Arc 5 Chapter 1 Fangs, Claws, And Silver Cross

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[Fangs, Claws, And Silver Cross]


ditor chan: @Kyam_Kyam

Cordilia sighed and rubbed her head, "Ah this is so annoying. I am not planning on building a harem" Cordilia said and groaned, her headache is quite painful

[Cordilia?] A'Yuan asked

"Don't. Don't talk to me right now. I want peace and quiet" Cordilia said in a depressed state and took out a gallon of ice cream and began eating it

A'Yuan sighed and quickly went off to investigate about what actually happened.

A'Yuan found his Master instead. However, his Master's soul is very weak and is flickering. So without hesitation, A'Yuan immediately connected his soul with Cordilia.

[Master?] A'Yuan called out worriedly

"En" a voice replied, although weak

[Master, what happened? What.... Who did this to you?] A'Yuan furrowed his brows in concern

"I had a fragment of my soul followed you when yiu left. According to the memories I received, my soul was scattered as punishment for letting Cordilia live and the both of you escape" a bitter and amused chuckle was heard at the end

[Master.....] A'Yuan worriedly looked at the flickering orb

"I'll be alright. You must find my soul and piece me back together. Until then I am going in hibernation state. I will come out and provide necessary assistance in the future" The voice was weak now

[Master, I have been meaning to ask.... Why her?] A'Yuan asked in curiousity

"Can you not already see it, my creation? Can you really not see what she is capable of? If you haven't..... Then you will know in the future"

[Master is very wise and is far sighted...... Master... Those souls that followed us.... What about them?] A'Yuan had brought it up while his master is still conscious and was hopping for him to shed some light

"Worry no more. As long as I am here, conscious or not, it will serve as a barrier and confuse our tails, but even so, one must... Be...... Careful...." the voice faded

[Master....] A'Yuan closed his eyes and sighed

A'Yuan waited for his Host to finally finish brooding before she brought it up.


"I'm fine now. Reveal me the skills. I wanna choose" Cordilia said and A'Yuan agreed.

[Martial Arts] ||Skill Acquired||
[Hacking] ||Skill Acquired||
[Craftsmanship] ||Skill Acquired||
[Dancing] ||Skill Acquired||
[Science and Technology]
[Seduction Arts]
[Weaponry] ||Skill Acquired||
[Acting] ||Skill Acquired||

New Skills! Advance Level
(choose only one)

[Witchcraft/Dark Magic]
[Beast Taming]
[Magic/Light Magic]

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