04 - It's Electrodynamics. Opposites Attract, Duh!

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Chapter Two

Aurora and I make plans to study at five in the evening

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Aurora and I make plans to study at five in the evening.

I'd woken up to find a text message from Katie canceling our plans. She'd come up with a lame excuse about feeling sick. But I knew the truth. And it stung. I didn't have to be a psychic to know why she'd canceled. Katie had disinvited me because she was angry with me. Angry I hadn't mentioned Aurora was my physics partner. And angry I was planning to study with her.

Kris and Katie probably still had plans to hang out, only I wasn't included anymore. I'm not proud to say it, but for a few minutes, I allowed myself wallow in self-pity. Eventually, I pull it together a send Aurora a text message. Aurora responded with an address and a time. She wanted to meet later which I agreed too. I had no other plans for the evening, in fact, I no longer had plans for the morning.

When four o'clock rolled around I was a complete mess and so was my room. I'd tried on every single outfit I'd owned. The bed, my desk, the floor was covered with discarded unsatisfactory clothing. None of them seemed good enough. I'd never been much of a fashionista. If it fit and it matched, I usually called it a day.

That evening was different. I'd wanted to burn all my clothes and buy new ones. But I couldn't do that...there wasn't enough time.

I paced around in my underwear, before finally deciding on a similar outfit I'd seen Aurora wear. After staring in the mirror, I eventually put on loose plaid button-up over my top. I hadn't wanted her to notice the similarity to her own style. Then I forced myself to leave the house before I could change my mind about my outfit.

I arrived outside her house fifteen minutes early. Of course, I did. I pulled up in front of her house and it's not at all what I'd been expecting. I'd heard her family had money. I was envisioning a giant classical mansion with a terrace, columns, four floors, and a giant green lawn.

Don't get me wrong, her house was awesome. It just hadn't been what I was expecting. It looked as if it had come off the pages of an architecture book; designed by one of the greats such as Frank Lloyd Wright. It was one-storied, modern, tasteful and built into the surrounding environment.

The roof was slanted and most of the walls made of glass. There were solar panels on the roof and in front of the two-door garage was a parked Tesla. You might be thinking—wow, this is a lot of detail you are giving about the front of the house, you must really be into architecture. I'm not. But you must understand I showed up fifteen minutes early. I couldn't go in.

I sit in the car looking at her house and waiting for the clock to hit five. At 4:55 pm, I lie and send her, "OMW! Be there in 5." text message—I know, don't get me started.

At exactly 5:00 pm, I send her the "here" text. I walk up to her house and knock on the door. Aurora opens the door. She's not looking at me but staring down at an old clunky cell. She is barefoot and wearing grey joggers, an old ratty t-shirt of a band I'm not cool enough to know.

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