20 - Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire - pt. 1

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Chapter Seven

We arrive at school late but in style

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We arrive at school late but in style.

First off, getting to school at all hadn't been easy. Waking up from a late night of drinking to get to class by 8:30 AM is next to impossible. Almost as impossible as climbing out of the arms of your wonderful boyfriend after he'd given you a night you'd never forget. Then we had to retrieve the car from valet which turns out didn't open until 10:00 AM. After we retrieved the car we had to rush back to Ari's house.

Ari was half asleep and I'd gotten to drive. We'd made it to her house in record time. I have a lead foot and the Tesla had a boat...no rocket ton of power.

When we got to her house. She grabbed some clothes and rushed into the shower. I hadn't needed a shower. I'd already taken one earlier in the morning with Cameron to conserve water—of course.

I did borrow a clean shirt from her. One of her cut-offs labeled with the name of an unfamiliar band. Ari finished her shower and walked into the room wearing almost the exact same outfit as me, only with a slightly different color combo. My initial thought was I needed to change but Ari didn't seem to notice or care. Since she didn't care, I decided I wouldn't either.

She rushed past me to the garage and started loading the hoverboard into the Tesla. We wasted at least fifteen minutes trying to get our project to fit. I'd suggested we take the Jeep, but Ari was adamant on driving the electric sports car. We were able to get it to fit by putting the top down. We get to school ten minutes before the end of third period. We'd missed three classes, but at least we'd rolled up in a Tesla.

After dropping off our project, we head straight for lunch...

I flop down next to Ari at the lunch table and she wordlessly hands me a coffee cup. I love this girl. I don't ask where she got it, but sigh in relief and take it from her. If I wasn't seated, I'd have hugged her. I sip my coffee. I enjoy its warmth and eagerly wait for the effects of the caffeine. I'm halfway in my cup when I look up. I'm surprised to see everyone is staring at us. Ari is deep in her coffee cup as well and doesn't notice the stares.

"Soo..." James says and looks between the both of us. "What's the deal with you two?"

What's appropriate to say? I don't want to cause drama. We'd gone out together and hadn't invited anyone else. I also don't want to spill the tea if Ari doesn't want it revealed.

Ari answers truthfully without hesitation and rather nonchalantly. "Last night for our birthday we drove my parent's Tesla to a nightclub in Snobsdale, got in, met some guys from Denmark, and some other hot guys, drank way too much, ran across six lanes of traffic..."

"Eight lanes." I correct her. I remembered all too well.

"Right, eight lanes." She corrects then continues. "In our bare feet, stayed out till two in the morning and managed to get to school before lunch. How about you guys?"

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