27 - B.Y.O.B - pt.2

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Chapter Nine continued...

James runs up behind him and wraps his arms around his brother's neck and shoulders

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James runs up behind him and wraps his arms around his brother's neck and shoulders. Dechlan elbows his brother in the gut and stomps on his foot. James may be taller than Dechlan, but not stronger.

He gets free of his brother's holder and then swings a fist. James ducks. Dechlan throws another but halts mid-swing, only an inch from his brother's face. He puts his fist down. Then grimaces at the frat guy on the floor.

"We're done."

Everyone is staring at him in horror and disapproval.

His shoulders sink, "Don't worry everybody. I'm leaving."

He starts walking towards the front door. When he gets close, I shrink away. I'm freaked out by his show of violence. Dechlan stops and turns to look at me. He has the same blank face again. It reminds me of the face Ari makes. He starts to speak but he only rolls his eyes and walks out the door.

Then the tension steadily fades. A few people go help the guy Dechlan had beaten. I turn to where Kris and Katie were standing but they're long gone. I'd been completely caught up in the scene. I didn't see if they left before or after Dechlan. I sigh and scan the room for Ari. I wanted to see how she's handling Dechlan's outburst.

She's handling it just fine.

She's in the hallway with the tool.  I don't think she even noticed the skirmish. They're pressed against the wall and heavily making out. I hate John, I hate that he's touching her. The tool takes her by the hand and they head towards the bedrooms.

I avert my eyes. My throat goes dry and thick, and my belly feels like it's full of lead.

The alcohol in my stomach has turned for the worse. I feel miserable. I feel like lying on the floor and crying. I close my eyes and breath in through my nose. Then I exhale and attempt to expel the negative emotions creeping up on me. When I've got myself under control and don't feel like I'm going burst into an alcohol-induced cry, I open my eyes again.

I survey the mess Dechlan has created. Derek has already started cleaning up and I go over to help. The cheerleader...Ashley is kind enough to help straighten up. The whole time we're cleaning she keeps glancing at me.

Derek finishes mopping up while Ashley and I carry the trash to the garage. It'd been her suggestion to take the bags out, I would've been down to leave them inside.

The garage is dimly lit but I know she's staring at me.

"Was that fight over Ari?" She asks.

"No." I say then I head back towards the house.

She scoffs. "Don't know why I bothered asking you?"

I turn around. "What's that supposed to mean?"

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