Chapter 16

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I never expected her to be his... fiance. Then again, this shouldn't come as a surprise to me. It was only a matter of time before he would be betrothed. The news hit me like a ton of bricks from the shock it's given me. I can just imagine my expression, with my eyes wide and mouth hanging open. Wait, this shouldn't bother me! I shake my head, ridding myself of these strange thoughts.

"Adora, this is our head maid, Mona Zinger. She will be helping you with anything you need." Queen Madia says, gesturing her hand to the smiling Mona.

"Lovely to meet you, Lady Adora." Mona says in her fake sweet tone. Adora gives her a hand shake, and shoves her coat into Mona's arms in the process.

"Thank you, Mona." She doesn't even give her a smile as she looks back at Fredrick.

"But I am sure my Freddy will help me with anything I need. Right, honey?" Her hand snakes its way to his neck as she plays with his hair. My eye twitches at the site, almost making me want to gag.

"Of course.. honey." Why is he acting so strange?

"Mona, get one of your maids to bring the luggage to their rooms." The Queen commands.

Mona immediately throws the coat into a random maid's arms and stands in front of the ten of us. She intently looks at all the maids, trying to decipher which one to choose. I keep my head down, hiding my face in my shawl, as I always do. I then see a pair of black flats standing before me, as they are dangerously close to my own. Sweat threatens to spill off my brow as I stand there, motionless.

"Maid, go get the luggage." I look up to see an evil smirk appear on Mona's face, with it inches away from mine.

I quickly nod my head, and rush to the luggage, which was graciously placed at the entrance.

"Are you sure want her to get it? She is a twig, a lifeless leaf. I wouldn't want to strain her arms," Lady Adora says with strange concern.

I look up to see that everyone is looking at me, waiting for my reaction. The Queen and Mona have sly smiles on their smug faces, as if they purposely want to embarrass me. Lady Adora and the tall man look confused, while Fredrick is apparently now noticing that I'm here.

What they don't know is that I have carried many things that are pounds heavier than these bags of hers. I'm determined to prove them wrong, and I pick up the bags with ease. Not only her and the man's bags, but Fredrick's as well. A small chuckle comes from Fredrick, as the other's faces are priceless. All of their mouth's are hanging open, with a shocked look in their eyes. His mother glares at him, which he responds to by gaining back his composure. With my head held high, I walk down the hallway to Fredrick's room. I hear voices coming from the, used to be, silent room. Which means they are conversing once again.

I open the door to Fredrick's put-together room, the faint smell of him sending my heart a jolt. I walk over to his white chair, and place his bags on the floor. I look to find one more bag that's his still hanging on my arm. The bag must have become unzipped during the ride here, as I can see a familiar red and gold box peeking out. Odd, why would he bring the box back? I'm tempted to open it, just to see what's inside. The urge grows until it takes over me as I reach my hand into the brown bag. My fingers just brush the top, until I hear the door creak open.

Zipping the bag quickly, I get up to see the Queen menacingly standing inches away from me. Fear ensnares me in it's clutches as Queen Madia tightly grips my arm. She drags me into the bathroom, and carelessly throws me onto the ground. My knees are scraped for sure, but she doesn't care. She kicks my side over and over again, spewing words at me with each one.

"You disgusting piece of trash!"

"How dare you disrespect Lady Adora like that!"

An agonizing pain rushes through my body, as I desperately try to grab onto the bathroom mat for help. It feels like an eternity until she finally stops. She grabs the collar of my dress and roughly pulls me up.

Beautifully Invisible #Wattys2019Where stories live. Discover now