Chapter 20

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Did Mona really send someone to spy on me? She has done this sort of thing before, which is why I'm a bit paranoid when it comes to mind. I look up to meet a pair of eyes that I know all too well. The pair of dominant greens almost glow in this utter darkness we are surrounded in. Panic glazing over the strong pair, with his pupils dilated one-hundred percent. Blonde locks poke out from the beanie which means that this is the person I know to be true.

"Fredrick?" I utter, breathing heavily. Did Mona send him to spy on me? Would he really agree to do that?

"Lily??" He says with the panic from his eyes transferring to his voice.

He gasps, as though he is now realizing what position we are in. His arms are on either side of my head, with his legs around my waist. He scrambles to his feet, pulling me up with him.

"Are you okay? Are you hurt?" I quickly ask as I grab his hand to inspect it. Sure enough, they had been scraped in the falling process. He gives me a nervous laugh, looking at his hand, then back at me.

"I'm fine, really!"

"What are you doing back here?" I ask, trying to hide the sudden shakiness in my voice.

He looks hesitant to say anything, as he is avoiding eye contact with me.

"Did... Mona send you?"

His face of confusion shows me that he has no idea what I'm talking about, which means that there's still an unknown reason for him showing up like this.

"Why would-"

I immediately interrupt his sentence, rushing in with, "It doesn't matter!"

His eyebrow arches, but I give him an innocent smile.

"I'm trying to enjoy my last bit of freedom before being forced to rule a kingdom. I want to get to know the people. To see things the way they see them. I just want to be normal for one night. Once I got word of mother and Lady Adora's secret meeting, I decided that this would be the perfect time to go and explore."

"Well, I hope you find what you're looking for, Fredrick." I say with a soft tone.

"Thank you... Now, why are you back here?"

"... Do you promise not to tell anyone?"

He nods his head in understanding, leaning in closer.

"Tonight is a special person's birthday celebration, and I promised that I would be there."

He then gives me one of his heart melting smiles and looks longingly into my eyes. It's almost like he wants to say something, but can't. I then surprise myself with what comes out of my mouth next.

"Would you like to come?"

His eyes gleam with joy as if he's a small child receiving free sweets.

"You really mean it? I mean, I do not want to intrude."

I look at him with a face of 'seriously?'

"Fredrick, come on. You are one of the sweetest people I know! You have never been a bother to me, nor will you be a bother to anyone. Besides, if it were up to Granny, she would invite the whole village!" I reason, making sure that he knows he's welcome.

"If you say so..."

He then gives me a playful smirk. I'm not quite sure what he is intending to do with that face of his, but it sure is making the blood from my face clearly stain my cheeks.

"Well, we don't want to be late!" I say, averting my gaze as I pass him.

I slip through the back exit with Fredrick trailing behind. We tiptoe our way to Granny's house, which is at the end of the village. I don't really go out at night, and I honestly wish I did. I've almost forgotten how beautiful the kingdom looks in the evening. How lively the people are and how lovely the lights look. Whenever I glance at the prince, I can't help but smile. His face is lit up like a Christmas tree as he marvels at all the new sights and smells. There are many town's people who sell food to make ends meet to gurantee they have food on the table. At the moment, many are selling pound cakes. It's less dense than your standard cake, but still tastes like the heavenly goodness.

Beautifully Invisible #Wattys2019Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum