My Escape Place

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Riding champion is one of my favorite things to do, having the wind in my hair, jumping over rocks and fallen trees; it feels liberating....all of my worries disappear. As we get deeper and deeper into the forest, I remember my grandfather telling me listen to the forest, respect it and it will be good to you. My grandfather was one of my favorite people, he was unbelievingly kind, smart and he would always take my side in everything. I loved it, I loved him.

One time I thought it would be a great idea to play catch with Mannie inside the armory; I threw the ball too hard and knocked over my father's suit of armor. The loud noise brought attention to where I was and to make things even worse Alfredo and my father just so happened to be passing by. I heard how angry my father was, so I ran to the library to hide; I hid under the desk with Mannie next to me. Since Mannie was still a puppy he thought I was playing and started to bark, I tried to get him to quiet down he was going to give away my position. All of the sudden I heard someone clear their throat, uh oh! I was in for it. I turned to see who caught me and it was my grandfather with a confused look.

"Esperanza, what are doing hiding under the desk?"

I looked up to him and felt as if I couldn't speak, the words couldn't come out.

"Come on, Esperanza walk with me to the stables."

The stables? Why the stables? What is he going to make me do? As we exited the library, I noticed that he took a different direction to the stables. As we walked, he remained silent, I walked behind him and analyzed him. My grandfather was tall, dripped with regalness, had a bit of a Spanish accent, and the worlds most soothing voice. He always had his sword on his right side and a small dagger in his boot. His red cape always draped behind him embroidered with the family crest. He was loved by all of his servants and subjects; he was a wise and just king.

We finally arrive at the stables and I see him ready his horse, Tornado, a big black stallion with a long mane that almost touched the ground. He picked me up, put me on his horse and walked beside Tornado. As we exited the stables, I saw Captain Juan Luis Gabriel de los Reyes, he was Captain Juan Enrique Gabriel de los Reyes's father and Captain of the King's army at that time. He was sparring with Juan Enrique Gabriel. When they caught sight of my grandfather, they both stooped, approached us and bowed.

"Your majesty, Your Highness I see that you are getting ready to go on a ride shall I escort you?"

"Thank you very much Captain but that won't be necessary, however, I do have a favor to ask."

"Anything your majesty" the captain replied.

"Please tell no one that you saw me and Princessa Esperanza."

The Captain gave a confused look but happily obliged, "Yes of course your Majesty".

My grandfather thanked him and mounted his horse with a strong kick we blazed off. At this point my curiosity levels were through the roof, I couldn't stay quiet anymore.

"Grandfather where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see soon enough."

As we went deeper and deeper into the forest we came up to this little clearing. As I looked around, I took in the scenery, it was beautiful. There was a lagoon with water as blue as the sky, there were flowers all over and the grass was so green I had never seen anything like it. My grandfather took me off Tornado, took the reins off Tornado and set them down.

"Grandfather wont Tornado run off if you don't tie him to a tree?"

"No, my little Esperanza he will not. Would you like to know why?"

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