If It's The Last Thing I Do

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Beloved.... Beloved... I swear if I hear that word again, I'll kill myself. My poor Nicholas he doesn't know what he is saying, the witch's spell is too strong for him. Not to worry I may not know what spell that witch Esperanza has on my betrothed, but she doesn't know with whom she's dealing with. I will end her and her inferior family. They will all rue the day they came in between me and my love! Esperanza will regret ever messing with me. Once I get rid of her and her stupid family, my love and I can be happy again, we will get married, have children and live happily ever after!! I Princessa Rosalinda of Costa Luna swear that the kingdom of Quisqueya will fall.

Knock! Knock! Knock!


I didn't want to see anyone, I needed time to think up a brilliant plan of destroying that wretched family. What if it was Nicholas? Did he come to take care of me? To profess his undying love for me and take me away from this horrible place?

Knock! Knock! Knock!

"Nicholas my love is that you? Come in my darling all is forgiven".

"Pardon me your highness but I have brought some ice for your jaw". Great! It was the idiotic butler Alvin, Alberto, Álvaro.

"Ugh it's you, just leave it on the table and get out". I didn't want to see anyone but my love.

"As you wish your highness, is there anything else you will be needing?" he asked.

Is he always this proper? Maybe he could be of some use to me. Once I take over this kingdom, he could be my personal dung collector, no no, my personal shade, the sun here is too much for my delicate skin. Yes, that could work or since I will be Queen, I'll just make him do both. Yes! That's a marvelous idea! I am so brilliant at times it frightens me.

"Excuse me Your highness, are you alright? Did the blow to your jaw affect your hearing?" he said.

Was he being a wise ass? Oh, he is going to beg to be rolling in dung once I get through with him.

"Are you speaking to me? How dare you speak to me in that tone! I am of noble birth and you are beneath me! Don't forget that I am Princessa and you should treat me as your superior. You are nothing but a servant, you are lower than dirt, you aren't even worthy to kiss the ground I walk on and yet I let you serve me. You should be grateful that you get to serve such an amazing ruler".

"I do serve an amazing ruler; in fact, I consider myself to be a very blessed man that I get to be in the presence of such greatness". He replied.

"Well, that's more like it I see you catch on quickly, I just might keep you".

"Serving the royal family of Quisqueya is a privilege, I take pride in being able to serve and assist them in whatever it is that they may need of me. If it's one thing I have learned while serving them is that they see everyone as their equal, they don't see themselves as more or less than others and they treat others the way they wish to be treated. The royal family would never treat a creature or being as if they were less than them; especially Princessa Esperanza. It could be one of the main reasons why Principe Nicholas loves her so much. You could learn a thing or two from her on how to treat people, maybe then is when you will find the love you desire. If you'll excuse me.... goodnight Princessa Rosalinda".

How dare he?! That insolent fool!!! I am boiling with anger that I grab the nearest flowerpot and throw it towards the door releasing an angry scream.

This is not over! Esperanza will die by my hand and Nicholas will be mine if it's the last thing I do!!

Beloved "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine"Where stories live. Discover now