Point of View

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In the dark of the night an evil plan was afloat, a plan between two evil souls. While consulting with the dark forces Deacon heard his master summoning him. He appeared in front of his master and bowed.

"You summoned me Master?"

"What happened? Why don't you have the Princessa captured!" His master screamed at him.

"A thousand apologize oh great one, but it was not my fault I had Princessa Esperanza within my grasp, but this warrior appeared and fought me. He's strong and a magnificent swordsman, I barley had a chance with him."

"ENOUGH! I DON'T WANT TO HEAR EXCUSES I WANT PRINCESSA ESPERANZA AND I WANT HER NOW! I WILL NOT BE DEFEATED BY INSIGNIFICANT FOOL!!! Find out everything you can about him, who he is, his weakness's everything, if he continues to stand in my way of my obtaining Princessa Espernaza and the kingdom I will end him!

"Yes Master, I will not fail you again."

With that Deacon disappeared and left his master to his own thoughts.

"Nick will rue the day he interfered with my plans, I will be king and if I can't have Esperanza no one will!


After eating dinner, I was escorted to my room. I bathed, laid in bed thinking about the events that happened within the last two weeks. It's been two weeks since I left, and I know that the guard is looking for me; but they won't find me. I am not a coward; I am trying to make a point, that I take orders from no one including my father.

I will not be forced into a marriage that I want nothing to do with. I refuse to be joined in marriage and kingdom to a spoiled brat and her half-witted parents. I can't believe that my parents would want to try to force me to marry a princess that threw a tantrum when I said that I would not marry her. She literally stomped her foot and screamed like a child. I looked at my parents for help and they told me that I had no option, she was my betrothed. I decided that my life will not be dictated by someone other than myself. So, I grabbed a few things, got on my horse and rode off.

I didn't plan on coming to the kingdom of Quisqueya. My plan was to get away from my kingdom, Castellon. I needed some time to myself to think, I love my country, I want to protect it and help it grow. I would be doing the complete opposite by marrying that brat of a princess. She's nothing like Princessa Esperanza.

When I saw her riding her horse, I felt like the wind had been kicked out of me. She looked so beautiful, she looked like angel. I had to talk to her, I had to know her name. I tried to keep my distance and think of the best way to introduce myself. I was so caught up in thought that before I knew it, she was gone and all I could hear was a constant barking. I followed the sound of the barking and then it stopped, it still; didn't see her. Where could she have gone?

I then heard this blast that spooked my horse Maximus, I knew she was in trouble and needed help. I kicked Maximus to go forward, I knew something was wrong. Something was telling me that she was in danger, my heart was beating out of my chest. As I got closer, I saw a man with both his hands raised and it looked like her was going to strike her; over my dead body.

I was ready for a fight, I jumped off Maximus and drew my sword, I wasn't going to allow anything to harm this beautiful woman. Defeating the strange man was simple, I caught a glimpse of the beautiful woman and she looked terrified. I wasn't going to kill him because she was present but if she wasn't, he would have been a dead man.

Seeing her so afraid made me want to comfort her. I asked her if she could stand and I guess she was so shocked that she didn't hear me. She tried to stand, she screamed in pain and almost hit the ground. Before I could even think I caught her; I could see that she was injured. I noticed that she was wearing a crown, a Spanish crown, she was a princessa.

We stared at each other completely enchanted as if we were both under a spell. She snapped out of it and tried to go help her dog, she's so selfless, then she stumbled again; I had to help her sit down and help her dog. Thankfully her furry little friend was alright; she began to cry as she clung to her dog. I felt my heart break into a thousand pieces, seeing her cry was the worst thing I have ever felt.

I realized that I was hooked, I had to help her. Something in me said that she was the one. I then told her that I would take her home; inside I swore it. As we got closer to her castle, I heard several hooves. Hearing how scared she was I promised her that nothing would ever harm her, not while I was around and it's a promise that I will keep.

The sound came from what looked like to be some palace guards, one jumped off his horse and drew his sword. My instinct kicked in and I drew my sword. He had the nerve to try to order me to get away from the princessa. Little did he know that I take orders from no one, he was a small man compared to me. I already didn't like him, I felt it in my gut that this little man was bad news. I was ready to put this little man in his place but then the princessa spoke.

Her voice was dripping with regality as she commanded the Captain to stand down. Once he sheathed his sword, I then sheathed mine; I wasn't going to give him an opportunity to catch me off guard. Then he did something foolish; he scolded the princessa.

The princessa and I were so shocked that he would dare speak to her that way that we both yelled at him at the same time. I really don't like this man now. I can only thank him for one thing; he said her name. The princessa's name was Esperanza; Esperanza it meant hope. A beautiful name for an alluring woman.

We arrived at the castle and most of what happened was blur except for several moments where I wanted to kill Captain Juan and put him in his place. I took Princessa Esperanza to her room and we were finally able to talk a little. We officially introduced ourselves, I told her my name was Nick, which is true, I just didn't saw my full name. She doesn't have to know for now, when I took my helmet off, she stared at me closely.

It took all my willpower not to kiss her. It did make me laugh that she was staring at me wide-eyed, it was remarkable how I woman I just met could make me blush. She felt so embarrassed that she tried to get up and walk; as expected she stumbled, and I caught her. I liked the fact that I made her nervous, it meant that I had an effect on her. Our moment was short lived because her butler walked in, man he knew everything and was straightforward. I need to remember to never get on his bad side.

Our moment was short lived because I had to leave her there with her sister, I really didn't want to leave her, but I gave her a small smile and walked out. I decided to talk a walk to the stables and check up on Maximus. It got dark and it had been about an hour or two since I last saw Esperanza.

I decided to go to her room and check up on her. As I walked the hall to her room, I heard Esperanza scream and I panicked. I busted the door to her room and almost pulled it off its hinges. When I got to her I realized she was sleeping, she was having a nightmare. The nightmare was tormenting her, I said her name to try to wake her, tears started to run down her cheeks, but it didn't work. Panic stricken I grab her by the shoulder's and shake her. She opens her eyes she's overcome with fear and disorientation. I had to fix this, I had to make her feel better, I wiped her tears with my hand and embraced her. I rubbed her back and rocked the both of us in hopes that she would calm down. I whispered in her ear words of comfort, letting her know that she was safe and that I was there with her.

After a few minutes she calmed down, but I remained holding her, then her family, butler and Captain Estupido entered. She immediately let me go and straightened herself; clearly embarrassed. I don't want to be away from her so I told her father that I would watch over her but Captain Estupido decided to have a debate with me as to who should watch over her. I felt my blood boil and my it was getting harder and harder to control my temper.

I think her Esperanza's mother noticed because she grabbed my arm, gave me a smile and offered to escort me to the dining hall. I really didn't want to leave but I wasn't about to disobey her mother. I gave her a small smile and left. I wonder how she's doing, is she sleeping? Is she sleeping peacefully? Man, I really need to get a hold of myself.

I am determined to talk to her tomorrow, I have to get to know her more. I want to spend as much time as I can with her. When the time is right, I will tell her who I am, she'll understand. At least I hope she will, I can't bare the thought of losing her. 

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