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I'm going to do it, I'm going to ask Esperanza's parents for her hand in marriage,

I'm going to do it.

God, I hope they say yes.

I mean they've just got to; I refuse to live without Esperanza, I would give all that I have to be with her. I don't know what I would do if they said no, I would probably beg. And even if they still said no then I would ask Esperanza to run away with me; she would my queen in Castellon. Nicholas get a hold of yourself man, you haven't even spoken to her parents yet. Calm! Calm! I just gotta calm down. 

"Announcing Rey Francisco and Reina Roselia". I heard Alfredo announce them, and walk out, okay I can't read either of their faces, God help me. I bowed to them and they bowed back then sat on their thrones.

"Good Morning, Principe Nicholas, I trust you slept well" Reina Roselia said.

"Good Morning, your majesties, yes I did, thank you". I replied I feel like my heart it going to jump out of my chest.

"Principe Nicholas to what do we owe this audience?" Rey Francisco asked, alright it's now or never.

I stood straight, shoulder's back and took a deep breath.

"Rey Francisco, Reina Roselia if I may your kingdom is one of the greatest kingdoms I have ever seen, your people love and trust the royal family. I see the unity among everyone, the pride, the loyalty just radiates all over. The kindness that you both have shown me has impacted my life to the point where I never want to be away from it. I want to always be around the royal family, I respect the both of you as I respect my parents, I see Princessa Alexis as a little sister and Esperanza well what can I say. Esperanza, I can't live without her. Aside from her beauty and wit, I can see the genuine love she has for her country and her people. I believe that she will be an amazing ruler, one that the kingdom of Quisqueya has never seen, all I ask is to be beside her. What I am trying to say is, I would like to ask the both of you for the exquisite honor of Esperanza's hand in marriage".

Okay, I said it, I said everything that I needed to say. They are both looking at each other, I cannot read their expressions. I think they are doing what my parents can do, all they have to do is look at each other and it seems as if they are communicating telepathically.

Rey Francisco takes a deep breath and Reina Roselia puts her hand over his, oh dear God are they going to say no?

Rey Francisco clears his throat.... Oh God here it comes.

"Principe Nicholas, I thank you for your kind words they are much appreciated, one thing I have learned in my life are that words are just that words, unless actions back up those words, those words mean nothing. With that being said I believe Reina Roselia and I both agree that your actions regarding Esperanza speak loudly". they are going to say no...I feel the tears filling my eyes, I close my eyes and lower my head defeated.

"Please your majesties, I cannot live without Esperanza, I love her with everything that I am. I would do anything, be anything, giving anything to be with her. And I want you to know, with all due respect that although I am asking you both for her hand in marriage, I refuse to take no for an answer. Esperanza is my soulmate and I love her, and I will not allow anyone, or anything come in between the two of us. Not even the two of you". I felt a tear run down my face and I quickly swatted it away.

Reina Roselia turned and looked at Rey Francisco and smiled.... wait she smiled.

"Principe Nicholas, I think you misunderstood what my husband was trying to say. Your actions speak louder than your words, they way we have seen you with Esperanza, they way you speak to her, treat her and speak of her only proves to us how much you love her and how far you are willing to go to be with her. I believe that my husband and I could not think of a better choice for Esperanza than you. With that being said your request is granted".

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