6 - Loud One

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Ryan called Adam on Monday morning to tease him. Jack had texted him joking about Adam behind home plate at the game. For a moment, Ryan thought he should watch the game with his brother, then he remembered they hadn't been friendly in years. Ironically, they were running together every day.

"Is she legal to drink?"

"She's twenty-four. I had forgotten how much fun younger girls are."

"So you were indecent?"

"Best pussy, I've had in a long time!"

Ryan cringed, he liked woman and sex, but he wasn't one for crude talk related to women. He didn't know if it was the influence of his mother or the Jesuits in high school and at Georgetown which kept him from crossing certain lines.

Even if Adam was Jack's best friend, he was a client and Ryan didn't comment. He learned the hard way he always needed a line between business and personal.

Adam was interrupted and when he came back on the line. "Jack's calling me."

Ryan quickly updated Adam on his recent trades. "Bring your girl up for the long weekend."

"Maybe, but I'm warning you she's a loud one."

Ryan didn't have to respond, because Adam hung up. It was not what he needed, listening to Adam getting some all weekend. Then his mind betrayed him as he remembered Isobel screaming his name. How was it he stilled stirred when he thought of her? Perhaps because he hadn't slept with anyone since her. As much as he wanted her out of his mind, he wasn't interested in replacing her with more women trouble.

Just after noon he learned he still hadn't gotten over his current woman problems when he was speaking to another client. David was a wealthy man in his late fifties, who had a sizable account. Ryan was discussing some great ETFs. "Do you have any money in these?" In full disclosure, Ryan said he did. "Rumor around town is you don't have any money left."

Ryan felt the anger rise, but forced a laugh. "It was just a shopping spree with my card. My credit line would need to be exponentially higher to wipe me out. I wish there was some other gossip in town so everyone would forget about me and the divorcee."

Ryan kept his cool throughout the phone call, but once it ended, he cursed a blue streak and called Cam and gave him an earful. It aggravated him and his voice was loud and he was pacing when he heard a knock at the door.

"Someone's here. Probably, Maddie, I've got to go."

On the other side of the door was a girl, younger than the one Adam was with, smiling at him.

"What?" He snapped, not interested in the company.

She walked past him and said, "I'm here to clean."

"Clean! Who asked you to clean?"

He was angry. He was angry at Isobel for stealing from him and telling anyone who would listen and also at Everett for mortifying him. He was angry at Cam for banishing him. Last, he was angry with the girl for interrupting his work.

She timidly answered. "I dunno who asked me to except my boss."

"Well, go tell your boss I don't want any interruptions. Just get out!"

"But." She cried. "My boss!"

"Tell him the bastard threw you out." He herded her towards the door.

Ryan shook his head, he didn't mean to make her cry. She had actual tears. He felt sorry. Did he care someone was cleaning the cottage? Scanning the living room, he realized eventually, it would need cleaning especially if Adam and his loud climaxing child were coming for the weekend. Oh hell, he groaned.

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