20 - Still only one

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Adam was getting used to his Friday night drive to Maine. Crossing the bridge into Maine, he stopped thinking about Amanda and the wickedly good sex they had the night before. He focused his mind on the weekend and Lana. They hadn't made any definite plans for their date, but Adam didn't care as long as he had a chance to kiss her. Just kiss her, he reminded himself. Lana was for intimate kissing. Amanda was for wild sex.

"Are we done yet?"

It was three in the afternoon and he and Jack had been working since ten. Adam worked long hours, but he liked his weekends off.

"Yeah, I think this last bit is finally right. So what's on tap for your hot date?"

"We're going for a swim and then we thought we'd play it by ear."

Jack smiled in a way that said, I know what play it by ear means. Adam thought about defending himself, but Jack would think it was strange if he wasn't doing Lana. Adam had a reputation to keep.

He looked at his phone. He had text messages from both girls. Lana asked if he was done working. Amanda's text was a list of acts she wanted to do with him. She confused him, because she made it clear she wanted to be free on her weekends, but at the same time, she wanted to make sure he remembered her while they were apart.

He ignored Amanda's text and replied to Lana. Jack's letting me out of jail now.

When he returned to Ryan's, he found Lana in the pool and Ryan sitting on a lounge chair drinking a beer.

Ryan called out to him. "Hey, you're late for your date."

"Blame your brother. We have a project that needed to get done." He stepped into the pool and walked over to Lana. "Hi."

She smiled at him and he wanted to kiss her, but Ryan was there. He must have sensed he was the third wheel. "I'll leave you two to it."

Adam watched him walk inside and then he turned to Lana. With his mouth an inch from hers said, "Sorry, I was late."

His lips captured hers and he devoured her soft, pliable mouth. She slid off the tube and down his body. They were pressed against one another and he felt her hard nipples on his naked chest.

He reluctantly released her. "Shit, that was incredible. You look amazing."

Lana looked around. "I feel like we're putting on a show."

The pink in her cheeks, as she moved across the pool told him he'd gone too far. Was this what nice girls were like? Afraid of a boner in the pool, he watched as she climbed back onto the tube.

"So, what's up for tonight?"

Adam bit his tongue because the obvious response was 'me', instead he shrugged. They discussed some restaurants, but all the ones on the coast would be packed with tourists. Instead, they went to a movie at a theater which served food and drinks inside the cinema. It was a great choice because the seats were separated enough to only allow for hand holding. The movie was the summer's superhero blockbuster. Score one for Lana for loving action films. He wasn't keeping score. At least he told himself he wasn't.

Adam was good at justifying the two women in his life. Secretly he hoped one would decide they didn't like him enough and make the choice for him.


Kissing Adam in the pool would have been a lot more fun if Ryan wasn't home. Maybe it was because she saw him in the window the other day, but in her mind, he was watching them. It sounded creepy, but she wasn't thinking of it that way. Shit, I'd look too, she admitted to herself.

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