55 - No More Secrets

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Lana felt like she had a garden full of butterflies in her belly. She didn't belong in this room. She didn't belong at Ryan's side. He deserved a sophisticated beauty to match his handsome appearance. Isobel was everything she wasn't and more - except Lana wasn't a thief. Ryan must have known she was nervous because he didn't let her go. If his hand wasn't around her waist, he was holding her hand. She was hoping the acrobats in her stomach that flipped every time Ryan touched her or looked at her would kill the butterflies.

Anytime she spoke she didn't recognize herself. It was as if she was an actor in a play. She purposely mentioned Ryan's mother, so Isobel would know she wasn't some girl he rented for the night. She needed to feel like she belonged with Ryan if only for the evening. Tomorrow she would go back to her little life and start convincing herself Ryan Harris was just her friend. It didn't matter what her heart felt. She had no future with him because they wanted different things.

She would sing for him because she wanted to prove to Isobel Ryan was better than the bitch and maybe being on stage again would help her move past the hurt she had been holding onto for far too long. She felt a dread, because she had to follow the tenor's incredible voice. Ryan encouraged her and as promised he stood and watched her the entire time. Her eyes were like magnets to his. She couldn't look away if she wanted to, but neither did he. She loved the song, but the words were true. Knowing Ryan had changed her for good.

Relief washed over her the minute she was done. The applause erupted, and she smiled at Ryan as she walked toward him.

"You were amazing!"

He held her hand again, and she felt the heat of his touch radiate up her arm. How was she going to stop loving him? Of all the men in the world, she had to choose the wrong one to fall in love with. She considered asking him for just one night, but knew her heart would never recover. They took their seats at the table and the rest of the performances were a blur as she basked in the glow of Ryan's hand in hers. Just for tonight, she repeated to herself.

After the last performance, the woman she met earlier as Ryan friend, Rita, went to the podium. "The judges didn't feel they could unanimously award one performer. We have awarded a tie to two amazing, talented artists. The first of the two is Mr. Hayden Mueller for his performance of The Music of The Night from the musical The Phantom of the Opera and the second is Ms. Lana Drake for her performance of For Good from the musical Wicked. We had asked the winner to sing an encore, but perhaps our two winners could grace us with a song together.

It shocked Lana the minute she heard her name. Ryan beamed, and it was Heidi who called out. "Lana, go talk to the other winner. They want you to sing again."

Lana stood and walked towards the tenor. He smiled at her. "I would be honored to share a song with you. Do you have a suggestion?"

All Lana could think of was Phantom and her suggestion came out as a squeak. "All I ask of you?"

He smiled. "Perfect."

He went to speak to the piano accompanist and gestured Lana into the spotlight again. She searched her eyes until she found Ryan. He was smiling at her. Thankful Raoul's part came before Christine's as Hayden sang, "No more talk of darkness..."

Lana had sung this song more times than she could count while cleaning. She didn't have to think when her part came as she sang, "Say you'll love me every waking moment turn my head with thoughts of summertime..." She imagined the words were hers and it was Ryan who was asking her to share his life.

When they finished, Hayden hugged her and the crowd erupted in applause. Lana lost Ryan because people were standing. She searched for him until he appeared in front of her beaming.

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