45 - You weren't the only one

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It was Labor Day weekend and Adam sighed. It was the deadline he had imposed on himself to choose between Amanda and Lana. It changed the day Amanda showed up on The Point. He regretted telling her where Jack lived. How was he supposed to know she would drive around until she found his car? He didn't blame Ryan for calling him. Really, Adam knew he was one hundred percent to blame. He just hated hurting Lana and now in hindsight, he was convinced he would have chosen her. Would she forgive him he wondered? The problem was he was still with Amanda although he sent her off to The Cape on her own. He was too old for weekend after weekend of partying. He was too old for Amanda but had yet to do anything with his knowledge.

It was thoughts of Lana which caused him to pick up the phone and call Jack. He wanted to find out if he was even welcome on The Point again.

Jack hesitated. "If you want to come, you need to know Ryan is gone so you're staying with us. I don't want you to upset Lana. You did a lot of damage and thankfully she forgave me and Ryan, but we took the brunt of what you did."

Until this call, Jack had not spoken to him about Lana and every time each of their calls ended Adam would always breathe a sigh of relief like he dodged a bullet. If Adam learned anything from the summer, it was he was tired of dating. He wanted to settle down and be done partying and picking up girls. He could have had it with Lana. He was sure he could have loved her if given the opportunity.

"So I'll come and chill with you and Maddie and the kids. I won't search out Lana, but what if I see her? I never really apologized."

"If you see her, then we ask if she wants to listen to you before you speak. If she says no, then you keep your damn mouth shut and walk away. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Dad! I'm not Rory, you know."

"Rory has more sense in her little toe than you have in your whole body!"

So Jack was angry with him. Maybe he should stay home, but he secretly wanted to see Lana. Maybe he could convince her to forgive him. If he did, he would tell Amanda it was over. If not, he should still tell Amanda the same thing.

He arrived at The Point mid-afternoon and true to his word he went straight to Jack's without driving by Lana's cottage. Maddie greeted him more warmly than he deserved. Rory thought it was funny he was the one in trouble with Jack. Did she know what he did? Rory was friends with Lana's brother, so she probably did.

Rory said, "Cheer up Adam, you weren't the only one. My friend..." She said the word 'friend' sarcastically. "... Cassie was pulling an Adam with Cole and Lana's brother and let's just say Will knew Cassie was dating Cole. They have been for about eighteen months."

"Rory!" Jack said, "I didn't know any of this."

"Well duh, it's bad enough I knew. I didn't want to, and I wasn't about to tell anyone."

"I felt like Uncle Ryan, but he had it worse because he knew about Will too."

"How do you know?" Jack asked.

"Because we talked one day when I was swimming. Back when Lana wasn't going over to swim and Uncle dearest freaked out when Cassie went to use Lana's tube. Ryan convinced Will to stop, but I guess he didn't convince you, huh Adam?"

"This place is like a soap opera." Jack sighed.

Maddie laughed. "Welcome to The Point. There have been plenty of affairs and gossip through the years."

"Tell us," Rory's eyes lit up.

"No!" Maddie was emphatic.

After Maddie's delicious dinner, Adam stood up. "How about ice cream? My treat!"

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