|| Chapter Twenty-Five ||

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Ik what you're all thinking, I thought u weren't gonna continue it?

Well I wasn't...until I read all your messages yesterday and how supportive you all were and I just literally cried yesterday because...i dont even know im just grateful that you guys are still here after 4 YEARS. So i decided u know what, let's actually finish this story because I started it to finish it. And I want to give u guys something for sticking with me till today im honestly SHOOKETH.

I went back and reread all the chapters (and cringed at my younger self) but here I am. Then I wrote this.

I recommend you guys go back and reread cos uve probably forgotten everything like I did 😂😂😂.

The story is actually kinda close to ending so hopefully that gives me the motivation to continue but honestly just you guys' existence is a motivation for me so thank you once again. I love you all. Enjoy this chapter. ❤

This isn't edited btw so forgive me :)xx


|| Chapter Twenty-Five ||

"Reject me, Daniel."

His posture didn't change. In fact, he remained exactly where he was, perched on a single large rock at the side with his back to me. It was like the words I said didn't have any affect on him - which they probably didn't since I've probably said them to him more times than I can count. But this time, I really meant it. I wanted him to reject me. I wanted the pain that's been swelling in my chest for the past month to disappear. I was being tortured and the reason behind all of this was sitting right in front of me acting like he hasn't just ignored my existence for 5 whole months.

"Daniel, I'm being serious. Reject me. If you don't, I'll reject you and you better accept it." My hands hurt from how much I curled them into a fist, allowing my nails to dig into my skin. "I can't deal with you anymore. I'm done. I'm tired. I don't want anything to do with you."

After our encounter in my room, I hadn't heard from him for 5 whole months.

He turned around slightly, changing his position so that I was able to see his face now. His eyes darkened as they stared at me. I waited for him to say anything...anything at all - but nothing came out. He just stared, his eyes never leaving mine even as I tried to look anywhere else but at him.

"Daniel?" What was wrong with him? I mean, there were a million things wrong with him but to this day, I had no idea what truly was the reason as to why he was like this. He never allowed me to find out. Never.

He took a deep breath then looked away. He seemed to be contemplating something and my desire to find out was immense but I stopped myself. He doesn't even react to the mention of 'rejection' anymore; he really doesn't take any of what I say seriously, does he?

"You don't bother to see me for a months and then when you do you don't want to talk?"

He chuckled. "What the fuck do you want?"

I sighed, beyond irritated at his bipolar behaviour. I should have never come to look for him. I should have never tried to call him but what could I do? I was helplessly trying to find out any answers as to where he had disappeared to. My heart wasn't able to deal with the distance that was created between her and her mate's heart. I was slowly decomposing in my room ever since he came and left without any explanation after. The explanation didn't even need to be plausible, I just wanted anything to cling to...anything. I waited patiently day after day for any type of contact from him...a phone call, him appearing out of nowhere like he usually does but nothing. It was like he vanished.

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