Point Of View

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They didn’t speak much on the way back to the apartment, and Avery had the feeling that she had injured John in some ways. Not that she was going to apologise. It wasn’t her fault.

Or maybe he was contemplating her words. She smiled to herself. Yes. Let it sink in, Watson, she thought.

John, on the other hand, was thinking about Sherlock’s warning about his sister, and wondering if her matchmaking was what he was referring to. Had she tried to set him up with someone else before? No wonder he was worried about her. John couldn’t imagine Sherlock on a date. It would be funny, he admitted to himself, and wasn’t exactly sure who he’d feel sorry for – Sherlock, or his date.

Hmm, does that mean Sherlock is gay? He wondered. Ava seemed to think so. Or bi, at least. John shook his head. Didn’t matter, he thought as he opened the door to the apartment.

Sherlock looked at the two entering the apartment and instantly picked up on the tension between the two. Avery gave him a childish grin as she bent down to kiss his forehead. She raised the shopping bags happily.

“We went shopping,” she informed him, still acting like a five-year-old.

“Congratulations,” he said.

She laughed, and went into the kitchen to start unpacking.

“How was it?” Sherlock asked the hovering John.

John opened his mouth, as if confused and about to ask a pressing question, his face scrunched up slightly. Then he shut his mouth, and shrugged. “Fine, I guess.” He indicated the bags he was holding. “I better, uh, go help.”

Sherlock frowned.

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