Chapter 8

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Third POV

"Hey, Neil. Neil. Neil!" Yannis followed the pissed off April out of the building as she storm off with her boxes.

"Hey, Hey, hey… Come on, what was that?"

"What was what?" She kept her stare forward not stopping as Yannis was trying to keep with her pace.


"What? The fact that we just literally, got fired."

"No… Not that, your exit." And April suddenly stop a raise a questioning brow at her.

"You know~ you could've left better, you could have made a better or a more 'badass' departure."

"Oh, and how do you suppose we do 'that'?"

"Like-I dunno... Kick the door open... On your way out?"

April stares at her friend. "Ugh!..." Before passing
Her. "Hey… Hey!" She Chases after her again.

"O'Neil!" Vernon came by, his hands in his pockets.

"Don't." She passes him. "Talk to me."

"Woah… What's up with her?" He asked when Yannis stop by him panting for air.

"Long story short; we got fired. Well, technically SHE got fired." She trailed off, and he furrows his brows.

"While I just lost my quote on quote chance. I guess…"

"As an intern?"

"No… As a trainee~ Well at least in THAT department." She rubs the back of her head as sweat starts to role down her forehead.


"Welp! this lady wouldn't be a journalists anytime soon anyways." She blew a breathe.

"So... are ya up for it?"

"Up for what?"

"Uhh, you know..." She gestures and reminded him.

"Oh!" The idea finally struck through as he nodded slowly until his face turn into a horrid look when Yannis points at herself giving him the biggest grin she has ever given.

"Oh no... No, no, no, no absolutely not."

"YOU?" Vernon questions, folding his arms together. He raised a brow, "Your kidding right?"

"Of course not-"

"Yeah right. You do know you're going to have to do something 'Spectacular' to actually be, 'hired'…" He sarcastically says and pulls out jazz hands to the air.

"..." She gave him a blank stare.


Her lips then began to slowly curve up. "…Plant boy~" Yannis grin cheekily at him before turning around.

"Alright. That's it! Can you seriously not get my name right, AT ALL? How are you suppose to be a 'good' assistant, when you can't even spell your own boss's name right, huh?"

"What? Do you prefer fern man~"

"No that's-"

"Alright, alright alright..." She turns a blind eye on his frowny face.

"So, Why don't you just try to 'talk' to Neil over there," She points at April's hunched over figure by the pavement. "And we'll talk about this later,"


"While I...~ I'm gonna go get us some dogs and coffee so~" she yawns walking away. "Hasta La Vista! Vernandez!" And starts running off when Vernon calls out to her in great annoyance. He sigh and shook his head at the Yannis's retreating back. He then turn and strolled back to his van.

Shell Shock (Unedited)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon