Chapter 13

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Yannis POV

"No… No, don't take my sandwich!-" my eyes flung open and panting, I roused up before whimpering in regret.

"Ugh…" I moaned, shaking my head to lessen my too aching head. Hissing further when I felt the sudden pain shooting up my body and I check on the source, pulling aside April's jacket. Scoffing, I hum in ridicule at the bow tie stuck on the bandage gouge wrapped around my shoulder and arm. Apart from the bow though, the bandage was actually wounded up perfectly. Looking around I finally spotted Splinter's body, leaning on a corner with his eyes close.

Panic sinks through me, when a thought of him being previously thrown to the wall played in my head, tying up the jacket around my waist, I pulled back down my sleeves, clenching my teeth to ease off the pain and quickly went to him.

"Hey? Old man, old man?" I shook his shoulder and his eyelids fluttered open. Seeing me he smiled.

"Oh, You're awake…" He gently said with his now weaker voice.

"Did you receive any open wounds? Did you break anything? Is your back hurting? Are you alright!?" I asked frantically scanning his frail body as he chuckled.

"Child, I'm alright-"

"Thank goodness…" I instantly hug him. He return the hug but halted when I open my mouth again. "Cuz if you actually die out right now… I do not want to be the one paying for ya funeral, you know what I mean?" I bluntly replied, sighing in relief. Hearing this, Splinter just blinked in surprise, before suddenly letting me go. I groaned after falling backwards as the pain came again. He looks at me with a face filled with hopelessness as I rolled on the ground in agony. He then just shook his head in defeat when I sat up, of course... After much, much, much struggle though. Reaching out he ruffled my messy green hair.

"I'm glad you're alright too…" he sighs, giving off a nervous smile when he spotted my wound.

"Hey, it's cool~" I huffed in proudness. "It doesn't hurt that much anymore, anyways…" I smirk and he chuckled again before going quiet.

"I'm truly sorry… Yannis… for everything. We were suppose to protect you… Like how you girls once did for us. But now…" he look down in regret and sorrow. "I've failed you… All of you…"

"There, there… Ninja... Uhh... Remy. You'll get it done someday. I... Guarantee." I comforted him with a gentle rub on the back. Letting out a heavy breathe, his tense body finally relaxes. Seeing his old body relax, I gradually got up and turn around.

"Now… Can you tell me… Why the heck are we the only ones here!?" I shouted, clearly bemused by the sudden isolation. I stared at him in determination as he innocently look at me with his beady eyes. Blowing out another breathe, he went to explain to me all of what had just previously happen, as my mind too  started recapping my memories.

"…therefore they set off to save the brothers…" He finishes as we were now seated in the middle of the sewers. Nodding my head in agreement, I continue to stay silent and close my eyes, giving myself some time to think and have a breather.


Yannis suddenly got up, cringing a bit at the soreness as she shakily clap her hands together. Letting out another breathe, she smiles at Splinter before turning around.

"Where are you going?"


"Yannis…" Splinter stated as I made my way to the Kusarigama lying by a pile of rocks and take it out.

"I just, I can't let them be on their own you know?" I look back at him, furrowing my brows.


"April is too oblivious and Raphael is too reckless. So... imagine putting those together in a room with... A paper shredded." And Splinter's mouth closes. Finally sighing in defeat, he nodded and hum an agreement.

"Yes but-"

"Okay, I'm just kidding~ I actually just want to return this piece of banana peal back~" I grin gesturing at the yellow jacket.

"...But I recommend carrying another weapon…"

"Got it!" Looking around I manage to find a butt-head big Naginata and swung it over my back with the holster. I was about to turn again when he added.

"And how are you suppose to get there…" I blinked at him. "In time…" I just stood with a blank face for a moment until the realization hit me head on and I face palm. Idiot!

"Maybe-" his words cut off when we hear echoes from the sewer entrance and a figure steps in. Vested and cap he stood with a box pizza in hand, he announces "Did anybody order some pepperoni pizza?" casually looking left and right.

I smirk at the still ignorant guy, before turning to Splinter. "I think I just got my ticket~" I smiled at him before sprinting away towards the ignorant guy. "Don't worry… I'll SURVIVE!" I cheered waving at the lone, small Splinter who slowly waved his paws too.

Third POV

Splinter shook his head at the girl's antics; tackling down the pizza deliverer boy. Before smiling,

"I trust you…"


"Faster, Faster, faster-" Yannis repetitively ordered, slapping a slice pizza at the deliverer's face.

"Who did you say you were again?" The curly haired teen questions nervously.

"A very, very, very important person… So just drive or you'll get a very, very, very great punishment." she curtly replied before feasting on another pizza slice.

"But shouldn't you be going to the hospital-" he pointed out the bloody mess she was.

"Nope. So just shut up and drive… The faster we get there the better it is for everyone." and the teen sigh, before increasing the speed and going off to a short cut. If it wasn't for her menacing looking weapons he wouldn't be in this situation right now, He grimaced to himself.

"Whoop! Whoop!" She raises her right arm up and cheered. When they finally arrive near the gates, they halted on their as plenty of black suited soldiers were gathered all around their vehicles.

Dragging the delivery guy to the side she whispers, "Alright, this is the part where you take my money and skedaddle, cuz... cows are about to fly and pigs are about to howl."  He gave her a strange look before receiving the money, shoved by Yannis.

"Just get outta of here, while ya still can!" She yells sprinting away.

He stood there for a second until he scratches his head and spotted the half closed pizza box under the empty one. Sighing when he opens the box to reveal two slices gone.

On the other hand, Yannis was sneaking about and seeing the busted gate wide open, she quickly went to find another entrance, In shock she has to jump over a wall. Scurrying her way pass the last of the guards, she silently enters the building. Before peeking an empty hallway search the parameter, until she heard loud noises coming from ta certain room. "That's gotta be it… Alright" Cracking her neck, She ran for the door, busting through it.


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