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Jungkook went downstairs then saw tae sitting on the couch.


"um hey jungkook"

"mom isn't coming today too?"

"No. She will stay in Japan for few
days. And I'm thinking of going jimins house for some days."

"You are leaving me alone in this house again. Why you have to leave me every time. You know I'm afraid to live alone"

"But I miss jiminie" he lied.

Jungkook sighed his heart clenched a bit. "ok tell jimin to come and live here until you stop missing him or mom come back"


"What - you can't do this little for me" kook sighed in disappointment.

"ok I'll tell him to come"
tae get up from the couch and went upstair, call jimin to come and then went to shower.

Meanwhile jungkook started cooking. He was feeling low because jimin is coming and they'll be all lovey dovey kissing, hugging, cuddling all the time in front of his eyes. Uh and fucking. "Ridiculous". But also he felt something because tae for the first time in years listened to him and give him some priority.

"ding dong" the bell rang jungkook rolled his eyes.

He Opened the door and greet jimin dryly.

Then here comes tae messy hair, water drifting from whole body, only with a towel in shoulder and shorts. And the other two's mouth wide open.

"Delicious" jimin mumbled unconsciously but jungkook heard and glared him. Jimin didn't notice tho'

"hey ba-jimin" tae don't know why he hesitated. He just can't when he noticed kook beside jimin.

Jimin ran towards tae. When he was going to hug him tae stopped him. jimin looked at him confused. And jungkook found himself smirking

"jimin I'm wet. Your shirt will be all wet too." jimin sighed. Tae know It was just an excuse. He just don't feel like any skinship right now.

Kook smilingly made his way to kitchen. Just satisfied with what happened. But when he passed tae their body slightly touched his breath hitched at the close connection with that yummy body.

Kook shyly pass him.

Tae told jimin to keep his clothes to the bedroom. Jimin went upstair and tae made his way to kook.


Kook looked at him confused "huh?"

Kook was cutting something on chopper board. Tae went close to him and lean back on the counter facing jungkook.

"what are you cooking?" tae asked lowering his voice.

"Um.. Chicken actually. Do you want to eat anything else?" jungkook replied sheepishly not knowing what is happening. Why tae is suddenly soft with him.

"Nope. Just asking. Curious you know" tae replied wiping little water drops from his body. Jungkook's poor brain just stop processing any data. He is too shocked with his brother's sweet behaviour.


"Jim" tae leave kitchen and went to jimin. Jimin hugged him tightly.

"I missed you."

"aah" jungkook shouted.

Tae run to the kitchen "wha-what happened?"

Jungkook accidentally cut himself while watching their romantic scene.
Tae saw the blood and started to panic. Hold jungkooks finger and surprising the other two he placed kooks finger in his mouth and sucked. Tae didn't notice but kooks eyes widened and Jimin frowned.

Tae ran and come back with the first aid box. He took the ointment and started applying it.

And another bomb just explode with "Baby are you ok? Is it hurt? Want me to kiss it better?" tae didn't exactly notice what he just said but the other two definitely didn't let it pass.

Jungkook just lost his ability to speak but he managed to say "it just a little cut tae" and jimin coughed to make the situation less awkward. When tae snapped back to reality he realised he got carried away with his feelings once again. "um.. Ok. You should be careful" with this he left blushing kook. Jimin followed.

Tae went upstair.

"what was all that tae?" jimin asked sternly.

"what?" tae confusingly replied

"what was all that tension between you and kookie?"

"why? He got cut jimin. What do you think, how  should I react.."

"that's not how a brother should react and you barely talk to him"

"For god sake jimin he is my brother. I'm just trying to make things better between us. I have pushed away that kid for years. What do you want? I should kill him or make him some lonely teeneager that texts unknown person just to find some warmth. I punished him enough for the things he never did. Not anymore jimin. I don't want him to end up going into depression. He suffered enough. " tae blurted out. Jimin felt bad for his silly behaviour.

" tae I'm sorry. I shouldn't react like this." jimin apologetically Hold tae's hand.

Tae hugged jimin in response. Jimin hugged back.

Update!! 🚨

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