A New Direction: Dawn's POV

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"I miss you so much, Dawn. Won't you come home soon?" my mom said with a worried frown on the screen of the telecaller I was using in the Pokemon Center. 

Only a week had passed since I lost in the final round of the Johto Grand Festival to May, who was now a three-time Top Coordinator. After the loss I shut myself in nearest the pokemon center, avoiding contact with anyone and everyone.

"No need to worry, Mom. I'll make it home eventually. Besides, I'm 17 now, it's not like kids my age still live at home anymore," I said with a forced grin. 

My mother, Johanna, was my idol since I was little. She became a Top Coordinator when she was very young and even now was teaching hopeful coordinators every day in her backyard. I always dreamed of becoming a Top Coordinator and following in her footsteps. The blow of losing to Zoey back when I first started my journey when I traveled with Ash and Brock had been hard, but I picked myself up and tried again... only to lose in the Semi-Final round to Kenny. 

After that, I decided to try in a different region. I competed in Kanto, Hoenn, and this was my second attempt at the Johto Grand Festival. Each time I would get to the semi-finals or even the final match but no matter what my pokemon and I tried, we could never win. 

I just don't understand what I am doing wrong, I thought to myself, feeling numb and trying not to allow feelings of anger and sadness to overtake me. Numbness seemed a much better alternative.

"Dawn? Dawn, are you listening to me?" my mother's voice asked, breaking through my thoughts. I blinked, shaking my head slightly and frowning apologetically at the screen.

"I'm sorry, Mom. What were you saying?"

"I was saying that I miss you and would like to give my daughter a real hug face to face," she said with a small huff and I again forced a bright smile.

"I miss you too, Mom. I would love one of your hugs, but I haven't decided what I am going to do now..." I said, trailing off and trying to keep my misery from showing. 

My mom sighed and I took a moment to study her perfect bob of blue hair. I was shocked to see that there were a few grey lines running through it now and there were small wrinkles at the corner of her eyes that I didn't remember noticing before. How long has it been since I went home? I wondered to myself guiltily.

"Well, whatever you decide I am proud of you, Dawn. You have grown so much since you first left on your journey and I love watching all of your contests," she said with sincerity and I felt like someone was reaching a hand through my chest to squeeze my heart. 

How could she be proud of me when it's been almost eight years and I still haven't been able to make my dream come true?

"Thanks, Mom. It's getting late, I think I'm going to turn in for the night," I said, trying my best to sound like my normal, chipper self.

"Alright, sweetheart. I love you!" she said while blowing me a kiss through the screen. I mirrored the gesture and clicked off the call, watching as the image of my mom flickered for a moment and then went black.

"Dawn, your pokemon are ready for you. Thank you." Nurse Joy's kind voice floated through the speakers of the pokemon center and I couldn't help but let a world-weary sigh escape from the depths of my being. 

As I pushed up from my seat to head over to the nurse's station I tried to snap myself out of my melancholy. I didn't want my pokemon to see me in such a depressed state after they had given their all to the festival.

"Is that you DeeDee?" a deep voice from behind me asked. 

I immediately stiffened, feeling my normal annoyance and anger at the stupid nickname boil up in my stomach. The feeling was doused just as quickly though and my shoulders slackened as I turned to look over my shoulder.

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