Fiery Competition: Dawn's POV

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A/N Sorry for the random picture with the song. Please play the song as you read the dance battle part if you can. It'll make it more fun :D

I sank to the ground panting and both Piplup and Cutiefly followed suit. We had been practicing our dance routine for the Showdown tomorrow for nearly two hours now and we were all exhausted. Running in the mornings with Growlithe had really helped him build up his speed and endurance, but I was still getting used to the extra exercise every morning. My legs we shaking from exhaustion and I fell back onto the grass with a groan.

"If I dance another step I'm not going to be able to walk tomorrow," I complained loudly and Piplup peeped in agreement. 

Growlithe nudged my cheek with his wet nose and I rubbed his ears affectionately.

"Thanks for keeping watch on our egg, Growlithe. I sure hope it hatches soon." 

My pokemon and I all looked at the egg incubator where the egg was sitting. It had been wiggling and flashing once every couple of minutes for two days now and I wondered why it was taking so long to hatch.

"Lup pip pip," Piplup said, pushing himself up and waddling over to the egg. 

I rolled onto my stomach and followed him. Piplup pressed himself against the glass of the incubator and I smiled fondly at him. Reaching down I twisted the glass case off and lifted the squirming egg onto my lap. Growlithe, Piplup, and Cutiefly all gathered around me with excited expressions and I sighed.

"I don't know why it's taking so long. Cyndaquil's egg hatched almost immediately after it started glowing like this," I said with some worry as I stroked the egg gently. 

Suddenly the egg flashed brighter than ever and continued to glow. I gasped and my pokemon all cheered as the egg's glowing shell slowly began to change shape, morphing into a small body with tall pointy ears and a bushy tail. Once the glow faded I stared in amazement at the baby eevee in my arms who was blinking rapidly as if adjusting to the light of the sun.

"Eeevoy?" the baby pokemon cooed up at me and a rush of love and amazement flooded me as I looked at its sweet little face.

"Hello, little one," I said softly, using the back of my fingers to stroke its soft cheek. "My name is Dawn and I am your trainer. And these are your brothers and sister," I said, pointing to my three other pokemon. Piplup had his flippers on both cheeks and looked like he had never seen anything cuter while Growlithe and Cutiefly were both looking at Eevee with excitement.

"Evoy," Eevee gurgled, turning in my arms so she could sniff Cutiefly as she flew up to her face.

"Are you hungry, Eevee?" I asked.

She nodded enthusiastically so we went over to our campsite where I quickly found the baby pokemon food that I bought from the daycare after beating the Wishiwashi totem pokemon. Eevee ate the soft food happily and once she was full she began walking all around the campsite, exploring and discovering every new thing with childish delight. I followed her happily, explaining whenever she saw something that seemed to excite her. As we were all exploring together I scanned Eevee into my Pokedex and looked through her information curiously.

As I had suspected from the rounded cream tip of her tail, my eevee was a girl and it seemed that she had fairly average stats for a newly evolved Eevee. When I looked at the moves she knew though I was shocked. Glancing down at my little Eevee, who was dipping her paw cautiously into the river before dashing away in shock and then slinking back to the river's edge to try again, I was amazed that a newly hatched pokemon already knew Natural Gift, Wish, and Tackle. 

What perfect moves for a contest! I thought excitedly as I slipped my Pokedex back into my pocket and knelt down next to Eevee. With a grin, I dipped my fingers into the river and then flicked Eevee with a small splash of water. She jumped in shock and dashed away, sinking down to the ground with wide eyes as I laughed.

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