Please Let Me Go: Paul's POV

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"You've brought me your petals?" Mina asked with a whimsical smile.

I pulled out the small glass vials from my backpack. Handing them over to Mina I glanced over to where Dawn was releasing all of her pokemon at the edge of the field. They all lined up, with Piplup claiming Dawn's lap, and I noticed that Mirageon was sitting calmly by Dawn's right knee.


Turning away from my observations I looked as Mina lifted what looked like a flower made of the multi-colored petals I had gathered against a glass backing. As she slid the last green petal towards the center they all gleamed briefly, melding together to create what looked like a real, cohesive flower, and a sweet scent was released as the glow disappeared.

"What now?" I asked impatiently and Mina smiled serenely before walking away to go sit by Dawn and her pokemon.

"You'll see," Mina said cryptically.

If Dawn hadn't already told me the totem was a Ribombee I would have rolled my eyes. Hoping that I wasn't making a mistake, I released Riolu and he growled threateningly as he appeared in front of me.

"Quiet now," I said evenly and Riolu instantly went silent. 

I noticed happily that Riolu didn't even look towards Dawn and her pokemon, but remained still and watchful for the opponent that would have a distinct advantage over him type-wise. A faint flapping sound caught my attention and Riolu and I turned as one to watch as a small dot in the distance became larger and larger. I felt my mouth drop open when the ribombee suddenly zoomed past us and buzzed loudly in Riolu's face before flapping backward and taking its position on the other side of the field. Dawn had said the ribombee was big, but this thing was the same size as Riolu! 

What does Alola do to create such massive pokemon like this? I wondered in shock before shaking my head and focusing.

"Are you ready for this, Riolu?" I asked and he nodded firmly, bending his knees to get ready to move at a moment's notice. 

Ribombee moved first though, flapping her wings quickly to create a wave of Fairy Wind.

"Use Force Palm on the ground," I commanded.

Instantly Riolu's hand began to glow and just as the wind was about to hit him Riolu tapped the ground. The explosion of force shot him up nearly twenty feet into the air, allowing him to successfully dodge the super-effective attack. I raised my arms and allowed the sparkling wind to rush over and past me. 

Here we go, I thought ruefully.

"Riolu, Bullet Punch!" I ordered. 

As Riolu streaked down to the ground both his paws gleamed a metallic grey and he dived towards Ribombee. The large pokemon bobbed up and down and let loose a massive Pollen Puff up towards Riolu. In a blur of blue and grey, Riolu punched at the green puffball rapidly, breaking it apart easily and as he popped out the other side he managed to land a quick three-part punch into the ribombee's stomach. The pokemon screeched in pain and zipped away, leaving Riolu to drop to the ground.

Ribombee spun in a circle and let out a loud, "Bombee!" and I gritted my teeth, hoping that we would be lucky and it wouldn't be a pelipper that answered its call. Taking advantage of Ribombee's moment of calling for help I quickly called for Riolu's second new move.

"Poison Jab!" 

Riolu stood up and pulled back one paw clenched in a fist. A purple light began to swirl at the end of his fist and he punched into the air, letting loose several large streams of poison. Ribombee was more alert than I thought though and zipped up, missing the poisonous streams of light with ease before it buzzed angrily down at Riolu.

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