Totem of Embarrassment: Dawn's POV

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"Here we are!" 

I glanced back up the steep incline that I had just walked down and couldn't help but let a whimper out as I thought of climbing up Brooklet Hill after this trial would finally end. Turning away from the depressing sight though I looked at what Lana (the trial Captain) had led me to. We were at the bottom of Brooklet Hill and I felt my eyes widen at the beauty of the pool of water that was in front of me. The water was a crystal blue and looked very deep. There were several rocks poking up above the water line and I notice one rock in particular looked almost like a miniature platform, it was perfectly flat and right in the middle of the pool.

"The totem pokemon is in the pool, you just have to swim to that flat rock there and then it will appear!" Lana explained, tossing her shoulder-length blue hair over her shoulder with a carefree grin.

"Swim?!" I repeated incredulously and Lana covered her mouth delicately as she laughed.

"But of course! You have a swimsuit don't you?" she asked and I frowned.

"Well yah, but I'm not going to change out here in the open," I said, feeling a blush creep up my cheeks. Lana shrugged and clasped her hands behind her while rocking onto the balls of her feet.

"Well, that's how the trial works. If you don't swim then the totem pokemon won't come out," Lana stated and I glared at the shorter girl. 

She couldn't be over 5'2" and both her blue hair and eyes were at least three shades lighter than my own, but she exuded a self-confidence that I was instantly jealous of. I felt myself wanting to show her that I wasn't about to back down.

"Fine. Turn around," I said and she giggled.

"We're both girls," she pointed out with a laugh but I frowned at her. 

Eventually, she shrugged and turned around, continuing to rock back and forth. Grimacing slightly I took my backpack off and then removed both my shirt and capris, leaving just my white spaghetti strap undershirt and underclothes on. Squatting down self consciously I released all of my pokemon and they looked at me questioningly.

"We're about to start the fight against the totem pokemon. Growlithe, you stay here and watch our egg and my clothes, okay?" I instructed and he barked, sitting regally in front of the incubator and glaring over at Lana who was still turned away. "Piplup, I want you to come with me. I don't know what pokemon we're going to be up against, but I think it might be to our advantage if you can attack them underwater." Piplup patted his chest as he puffed it out and Cutiefly flew over to me. "If anything goes wrong I'll need you to be ready, okay, Cutiefly?" I asked and she buzzed before rubbing against my cheek.

"Are you ready yet?" Lana called over her shoulder and I licked my lips nervously.

"Yes," I answered, hoping that I sounded confident.

Looking at the pool of water I breathed in and out through my nose several times before looking down at Piplup. He nodded encouragingly at me and I swallowed. Before I could talk myself out of it I ran forward, leaping off the edge of the pool and plunging into the water. It was much colder than I was expecting and as I surfaced I tried to keep my teeth from chattering.

"Lup, piplup!" Piplup sang, swimming up gracefully to my side. 

I smiled at him before striking out for the flat rock. My body had just adjusted to the cold water when I reached the rock. To my surprise I could feel steps carved into the rocks so I was able to propel myself out of the water and onto the rock without any trouble. Piplup joined me on the rock and I looked around, wondering what I was waiting for.

"Looking good, Dawn!" Lana called out, waving energetically and I grimaced, folding my arms over my chest self-consciously. 

I was just about to tell her to stop looking when a shadow under the water caught my eye. Jerking my head I looked down at the water, searching for the shadow I had seen.

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