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I walk up to the table Lady Margaery and Lady Olenna are sitting at. 

"You wish to speak with me Lady Margaery?" I say.

"Ah yes, come Princess, let's take a walk." The sun is shining bright as we walk through the garden. "We are to be sisters soon, I wanted to know what your family was like and I heard you were the right person to go to."

"Well, my family is a little..mad."

"I hear they call you the Warrior Princess, why is that?"

"I fought in the Battle of Blackwater. I fought better than the men."

She smiles, "And your brothers?"

"Tommen is sweet and innocent and Joffery, he's the opposite," we stop walking, "I know you're meant to marry but he's...awful. Be careful with what you say not even just around him in Kings Landing in general."


Pod and I walk into Tyrion's chambers. 

"You two are late."

"How can we be late?" I ask.

Pod goes off to get some wine and the food and I sit down next to Tyrion.

"So I'm guessing Pod went to go talk to you last night."

"Yes, he did."

"What did you guys talk about?"


"Alright just tell me I don't have time for your games."

"I told him that I loved him and he said he loved me too," I say with a smile.

Tyrion smiles too, "Good, I'm glad. But if he breaks your heart I'm going to kill him."


My grandfather has asked Tyrion and me to meet him in the small council room. We walk in and my mother is sitting there next to him.

"What's she doing here?" Tyrion asks.

"Our business concerns her too," my grandfather says. Tyrion sits down and I sit next to him.

"You'll be pleased to learn that after one conversation with Olenna Tyrell I've saved the crown..."

While they talk and I can't help but wonder why the hell he asked for me to be here too. I don't really listen until I hear, "That makes Sansa Stark the heir to Winterfell and I am not about to hand her over to the Tyrells," My grandfather says.

"The Tyrell army is what helping us win this war. Do you really think it's smart to refuse them?" I say

"There's nothing to refuse. This is a plot. Plots are not public knowledge. And the Tyrells won't carry this one out until after Joffrey's wedding. We need to act first and kill this union in its crib."

"And how do we do that?" Tyrion asks.

"We find Sansa Stark a different husband."


"Yes, it is," my mother says looking Tyrion in his eyes.

Tyrion looks back at Tywin, "You can't mean it."

"I can and I do."

"Joffrey has made this poor girl's life miserable since the day he took her father's head. Now she's finally free of him and you give her to me? That's cruel even for you."

"Do you intend on mistreating her? The girl's happiness is not my concern nor should it be yours."

"She's a child! The same age as Scarlett!"

You will wed Sansa, bed her and put a child in her. Surely you're capable of that."

"And if I refuse?"

"You wanted to be rewarded for your valor in battle. Sansa Stark is a finer reward than you could ever dare hope for and its past time you were wed."

"Sansa is a person, not just some reward," I say.

"I was wed. Or don't you remember?"

"Only too well. As for you Scarlett, you'll marry Ser Loras."


"What do you mean no? The boy is heir to Highgarden. Tyrion will secure the North, you will secure the Reach."

"I don't give a fuck what he's heir to!" I stand up, "I'm an actual Baratheon marrying me off has no benefit to you, so no I will not be marrying Ser Loras!" I state angrily while also scared to hear his response.

"You're right."

"I'm sorry what?"

"You're right, you're a Baratheon, you marrying Ser Loras has no benefit to me," he turns to my mother, "You will be marrying him instead."

I lay in bed reading book waiting for Pod to be finished doing squire duties. I'm about to drift to sleep when he opens my door and walks inside.

"Well hello my lady," he says with a smile.

I walk up to him and I wrap my arms around my neck and his hands go to my waist.

"Podrick," I say before I kiss him. I pull away first, "You will not believe the day I just had."

"Well," I go to sit on the bed and he's still standing, "First, don't tell anyone, my grandfather told Tyrion he has to marry Sansa."

"What? Why?"

"Something about not wanting to give her up to the Tyrells, I don't know. But that's not even the best part, he tried to marry me off to Ser Loras."

He sits down on the bed in front of you.


"But I said no."

"You said no to Tywin Lannister? Of course, you did."

"Anyways, I told him that I was a Baratheon and that marrying me off has to benefit him. And guess what he said."

"What did he say?"

"That I was right then he told my mother that she was going to marry him. If she doesn't hate me already she does for sure now."

"Well, I'm glad you're not marrying him."

"Me too."

Pod kisses me and then lays down. I fall asleep laying my head on his chest and our legs tangled together

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