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I sit next to Varys on the ship. I have my hood on. It covers most of my face. I'm wearing all black. I got rid of the sigil on my sword and I changed my swords scabbard color to black. Varys put something in my hair to make it look less black and more auburn.  I still have to make sure to keep my head down. Tyrion is in the box next to us. More people want him then they do me.

It's one long, grueling boat ride. Varys and I carry Tyrion to someplace where nobody is. We open it and Tyrion rolls out. He has a full beard now and he's very dirty. He pulls himself up using the crate.

"Apologies," Varys says.

"I still don't see why I had to stay in this fucking crate once we set sail."

"I saved your life. Both of your lives. If they catch you, they catch me. I cannot say I feel overly guilty about leaving you in that fucking crate."

"Do you know what's it's like to stuff your shit through one of those air holes?"

"No," I say, "I only know what it's like to pick up your shit and throw it overboard."

Tyrion looks around, "Pentos?"

Varys nods, "The home of my colleague Illyio Mopatis, a merchant. He and I met many years ago through mutual friends." Tyrion walks over to the table to pour himself a glass of wine. "A group of people who saw Robert Baratheon for the disaster he was. We tried what was best for the realm by supporting a Targaryen restoration. And thus began the chain of mistake that led all of us here. Things have gotten worse, not better. Westerns need to be saved from itself."

Tyrion takes a drink of wine, "Much better."
I walk over to where Tyrion is and I pour myself a glass of wine.

"My lord? My lady?"

"I don't think I am anymore. A lord. Are you a lord if you kill your father. I don't imagine they revoke your nobility for killing a whore. It must happen all the time."

"You already drank yourself across the Narrow Sea."

"In a box. Why stop now?"

"Because we are talking about the future of our country."

"The future is shit. Just like the past."

Tyrion throws up the wine he just drank. And then drinks some more.


Varys tells us about his plan to go to Daenerys Targaryen and help her get the iron throne. We agree to go with him.

We sit inside a carriage. Tyrion is standing up. Varys is sitting down across from where I'm sitting.

"There a bug," Tyrion says.

"Be careful, you might consume solid food," I say.

Tyrion takes a big drink of wine, "What else is there for me to do inside this fucking box?"

"You don't like it?" Varys asks.

"I want to take a walk."

"So do I," I say, "But we can't. My mother has offered a lordship to the man who brings her your head and me alive."

"She ought to offer her cunt. The best part of her for the best part of me. Well, I suppose a box is as good a place for me anywhere."

"Are we really going to spend the entire road to Volantis talking about the futility of everything?" Varys asks.

"You're right. No point. The road to Volantis? You said we were going to Meereen. What's in Volantis?"

"The road to Meereen."

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