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The wind slowed down so now we can see what's in front of us. Hiking through the snow is a lot more difficult than expected.

"You two all right?" Jon asks Gendry and me.

I nod.


"Ever been north before?" Tormund asks us.

"Only the one time," I answer 

"Never seen snow before," Gendry says.

"Beautiful, eh?" Tormund says, "I can breathe again. Down south the air smells like pig shit."

"You've never been down south," Jon says.

"I've been to Winterfell."

"That's the North."

"How do you live up here?" Gendry asks Tormund, "How do you keep your balls from freezing off?"

"You got to keep moving. That's the secret. Walking's good, fighting's better, fucking's best."

"There's not a living woman that wants to fuck you within a hundred miles of here," Jon says.

"We have to make do with what we've got."


"So while I was living in a castle," I say to Gendry, "What the hell were you doing?"

"I was a blacksmith in King's Landing."

"So this entire time you were in King's Landing. I'm sorry you had to just sit there and watch me grow up apart of the royal family."

"Don't be. I have no interest in being royalty. So, what was he like...our father?"

"He may have not been the best King or husband but he was always nice to me. My mother was horrible. But I always felt like he cared for me. My mother convinced her cousin to poison the wine he was drinking will he went hunting, which is what lead to his really didn't miss out on too much."

Everyone stops walking and looks at the mountain in front of us. 

"That's what I saw in the fire," The Hound says pointing at it, "A mountain like an arrowhead."

"Are you sure?" Thoros asks. 

"We're getting close." 


The wind picks up again making it hard to see and breath. 

"Look!" Tormund points in the distance

"A bear," The Hound says, "Big fucker."

"Are bears supposed to have blue eyes?" I say.

It starts to grunt and come towards us. We all pull out our swords. 

It jumps and eats one of the extra men we brought with us. 

We run to where he was eaten. All there's left some blood and his spear. No body. No bear.

We stand in a circle. All of us holding up a weapon. I stand next to Jon and Gendry.

The bear jumps in the circle behind us killing another man. It roars loudly. 

We try to hit it but it just throws us out of the way. The snow makes my fall hurt a little bit less.

Somehow Beric and Thoros are able to make their swords on fire. 

Beric hits it once and it burst into flames. 

It starts to run at the Hound but he freezes. Thoros hit the bear from the side. The bear knocks him down trying to eat him. Thoros holds him off by holding his flaming sword in the bear's mouth. Tormound tries to hit the bear but the bear knocks him down. The bear bites Thoros in the shoulder and starts to drag him roughly around.

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