Ch 5 - Getting Ready

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

By the time they pulled up outside the London house Rosannah had managed to return her appearance to almost satisfactory, but with the bumpy road and without a mirror, she was sure it was lacking the finesse she desired.

She sighed to herself, acknowledging there was no more she could do to rectify the matter, and she may as well start as she meant to go on... not entirely perfect.

Foxleigh House itself was remarkably large and impressive from the outside. She had been inside it just once before the wedding, and knew the inside held to be the same. The rooms were sizeable and well lit, with rich furnishings to ensure their elegance was equal to their comfort. Rosannah was quite glad to accept them the way they came, with little need to change them. Though Henry had told her he would give her free reign to make any changes she desired.

She had yet to see her bedchamber and was looking forward to discovering the place she would rest her head each night. She also desired a good wash. The dust from travelling was all over her and she disliked feeling gritty.

"How much time do we have?" she asked Henry and he took out his pocket-watch.

"One hour, then half more, until we must leave," he ran his finger over her cheek and wiped away a smidgeon of dirt. "I am sorry that we did not return sooner to give you more time. I just wanted you to myself for as long as possible."

She liked his confession, though part of her wished she had been more prepared.

They entered the front door and Rosannah was introduced to the row of servants waiting in the hallway. They seemed friendly, though perhaps a touch more formal than the country household. All were well trained enough to prevent the shock they must have felt at seeing her dishevelled state, showing on their faces.

She made her way wearily upstairs and stifled a yawn, travelling was exhausting. Henry took her along a few corridors until he reached a door that brought her into a delightful room.

It had been recently redecorated in beautiful green-blue Chinese wallpaper, storks and herons sitting on branches among green leaves made a striking pattern all over. Fresh curtains hung at the windows, made from a duck-egg blue silk she had once openly admired in Henry's presence. She turned to him open mouthed.

He looked sheepish, "I know you should be able to decorate it yourself, and you must do so if this does not please you. But I wanted you to come to a room that was as pretty as you deserve. My mother helped, though she did not approve at first. She only agreed once she understood my reasoning." He seemed unsure of her reaction.

"I love it," she professed passionately, enjoying seeing his pleasure at her words. "I shall not change a thing. When I look at it, I will not just see the beautiful décor, but also the thoughtful and generous heart of my husband who does nothing but wonderful things for me."

Then, to her horror, she burst into tears. Emotions overwhelmed her, frazzled by the travel and distraught at leaving the halcyon week they had shared. She could not hold back from weeping.

Henry looked alarmed, "Rosie, are you not well? Shall I call for a tonic? Some wine?"

She walked into his arms and pressed her face into his shoulder, shaking her head. Her action seemed to give him some understanding of what she wanted, and he put his arms about her.

"Do not concern yourself Henry," she tried to reassure him, "I am just overtired from the journey. I also did not want to leave Amblethorpe," she hiccupped, "but then to walk in and see this," she waved her arm blindly around, "it's so wonderful."

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