Ch 18 - Gossip

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Copyright VedaPettigrew

"I should faint every day if I was married to your husband," Lady Granville announced dramatically. Rosannah looked to the man in question and hid a smile, for in her mind, twas not a thing wrong with the look he was sending her way.

Could it be called 'a' look if his eyes had never wandered too far from her for the entire evening? The last ball they would enjoy this season had forced their hands, they had agreed to separate for most of the event so that her husband could conclude all his business talks with the other gentlemen before returning to their country seat.

She had been sitting with other married women, allowing the single debutants one of their last chances to impress the gentlemen with their quick wit, easy smiles and happy dancing.

He was discussing business with his mouth, but Henry was not willing for his eyes to be away from her for more than a few moments at a time. This had caused Lady Granville, a very sensitive lady, to have the salts brought close for fear Rosannah would not be able to take it.

"Your husband does not watch you so keenly?" Rosannah asked superfluously, already knowing the answer.

"No, we have been married quite some time now, but even at the beginning of our courtship, he let me sit alone without glowering upon me so fiercely."

"His Grace does not glower at me," Rosannah answered easily.

"I fair agree with Lady Granville," Lady Hannah said cheekily. Rosannah cast her eyes to her friend in warning. They had managed several private discussions – each more frank and open than either of them had intended. One thing Rosannah had been pleased to see was that Lady Hannah's relations with her husband were now greatly improved after she had imparted some very embarrassing advice. One thing that did not please her as much, was Lady Hannah's propensity to tease about their secrets while in public places.

Lady Hannah knew how she loved those 'glowering' expressions and gave Rosannah a serene smile that was betrayed by the wicked twinkle in her eyes as she continued. "I'm surprised Her Grace has not fainted dead away already. Your husband looks so fiercely at you. Sir John does not scare me this way, I'm sure Lord Granville does not as well."

"No, indeed." Lady Granville was none the wiser to her wicked teasing. "I am pleased to say that he and I bumble along quite nicely. Nothing could be classed as terrible between us, we have three wonderful children and still have polite conversation most days, and I think that a great success."

It sounded sad to Rosannah, but she knew she was one of the blessed few in her marriage. "Well that is good then," she managed to utter truthfully, "If you are content."

"I am sorry that you have not fared as well as Lady Hannah and myself," Lady Granville said sincerely and Rosannah felt she must abuse her false notions.

"Do not fret, I am happy. My husband is good to me and indeed, I married well."

Lady Granville's brows drew together and Rosannah realised she had done nothing to allay her suspicions when the she said, "Do not worry, I would not say anything untoward in his presence, he is a man to be feared and I will not entice his wrath upon you or myself."

Rosannah looked to Lady Hannah in exasperation; the lady carelessly popped a grape into her mouth, unconcerned at the falsehoods that were being perpetuated, adding courteously, "Yes Lady Granville, I should think that a good idea. Nobody wishes to entice his wrath, it is furious indeed. Let it not be directed at this poor lady."

Rosannah's mouth dropped open at the tease but Lady Hannah just smiled serenely as another grape entered her mouth.

"I must insist that you understand I am not an object of wrath for my husband, he does not take his temper out upon me verbally or physically. He is a good husband and I will not hear another word about it."

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