Epilogue - A Happy Ever After

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Copyright to VedaPettigrew

Rosannah watched Henry holding their new daughter, Hebe, on his arm. He was talking softly to her as she surveyed their other children suspiciously, still unsure how she felt about having older siblings. She was the latest addition to their family and had arrived only a few days previous.

Earlier this week they had received a missive from Theodore, telling them that a friend of his, a single father, was no longer able to take care of his daughter and asking whether they would consider taking her in. Although it had come out of the blue, he knew that they were hoping to expand their brood of five and had been particularly hoping for another girl as they only had one, their youngest.

They had replied that they were willing to meet her, though Rosannah was worried that the father might wish to reclaim her, so she decided to think of it as only looking after her until she had to return.

She knew such a thing would not be easy, especially once they got to know her, but she would break her heart to do the right thing for a little girl who needed adults to make good decisions for her.

The next day brought a tiny tot of a thing, trembling on her uncle's arm. Her large solemn eyes continually swept around her, taking everything in silently. It had been wretched to see the worry and confusion on her face, and both she and Henry felt overwhelmed with compassion for her, wanting to help her and heal her and welcome her into their family.

Once Theodore told them her story in more detail, Rosannah knew that little Hebe would be staying forever. She felt relief that caused her some guilt in the face of the sad tale, but she knew that the girl would have stability and love in their family for the rest of her days.

Ned Blakely had been one of Theodore's old school chums. They had become friends despite the fact that Ned had been seen as an outsider. Ned was a sponsored boy, an orphan, unwelcome, and constantly bullied to make sure he knew his place in the world.

Knowing Theodore, Rosannah very much believed that that was the actual reason for their friendship, for he was as thoughtful and kind as the rest of his family.

She snorted a little when she imagined the reactions of their peers if she were to speak to them of Henry in such terms, for even after more than a decade as a husband and father, his reputation was as fearsome as ever.

It was not in truth, entirely unwarranted, for the softer he was with them and those that deserved it, the harder he was upon those who threatened their happiness or peace.

Ned and Theodore had kept in touch over the years, though not fastidiously because Ned associated with some nefarious people. Two years ago Theodore had spoken to Henry, saying that he was at the point of breaking contact because Ned was getting into some terribly dishonest schemes.

But then little Hebe came along.

Her mother died in childbirth and Ned, though not being married to the woman, did the decent thing and acknowledged Hebe as his own.

Theo felt like he could be of some use and, wanting her to have some stability, he began to visit more often to spend as much time with her as he could, titling himself Uncle Theo. Hebe loved her uncle and the feeling was returned, evidenced by the many tales he would tell about her on every visit.

It was a good thing indeed that she had someone she loved and trusted so, for the day of the missive, it turned out that Ned had been caught red-handed in a serious theft and would be going to prison for a long time.

There was no possibility he would get let off, but even if he did, he had asked Theodore to find a good family for Hebe. He knew that his life would never be steady, he had no thought of giving up his criminal ways and loved her enough to let her go.

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