Thank You

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You guys are amazing. Thank you for reading my story.

I appreciate every vote and every comment, so everyone who clicked that star, or wrote something - thank you.

I love Rosannah and Henry because, as you may guess from my writing, I am an old romantic at heart. The idea of writing them was born from wanting a romance that did not have crazy drama between the two love interests. I enjoy 'will they/ won't they?' stories, but I wanted to do something different.

And I think I have.

I am grateful to my sister, who points out mistakes and gives me loads of encouragement (love you C xx) and also to all of you who interact with the story. I am happy to have errors pointed out, because although I am not really a perfectionist when it comes to a lot of things, I am about writing. So if you noticed any, feel free to put it in the comments.

I am thankful to God for giving me the passion and ability to put stories on paper. I have loved writing Rosannah, (apart from a writers malaise in the middle, where I muchly appreciated your patience) and am looking forward to my next project.

Though I have NO idea what I'm doing yet.

Bless you all for reading xx

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