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"Hi, babe." He spoke directly into my ear. I stayed with my arms wrapped around him.

"I didn't think you were coming."

"I'd never miss your birthday." He squeezed me tight around my waist and kissed my neck. I could feel the anxiety flow from every inch of my body as he lowered me to the floor and I reluctantly let go. Rita had finally made it over to us while I was lost in Jax's embrace. Her and Yuri stood back with strange smiles plastered on their face.

"Jax, this is my best friend Rita." Rita gave him a knowing 'Hi' and surprisingly leaned in for a quick hug while holding both drinks.

"This is Yuri. We work together at the wing shop." Jax nodded and extended his hand for a dap which Yuri returned.

"And this is Vodka with cranberry juice. Enjoy!" Rita shoved a cup into my hand. I took it willingly even though I suspected that I wouldn't need it anymore. The nerves were gone. My comfort zone was here looking edible. I giggled to myself at my thoughts and took a sip of the drink. The liquid ignited my throat as it tore its way to my belly. I held in a cough and Rita laughed.

"I got a spot for us," Jax whispered in my ear. He grabbed my hand and started leading me through the crowd. I looked over my shoulder and waved for Rita and Yuri to follow.

"I got to go find David. I'll find you guys!" She shouted before being enveloped in the gyrating crowd. Jax continued to duck in and out of swinging arms and grinding hips, stopping occasionally to acknowledge people he seemed to know. I followed behind him, clutching his hand, nodding and smiling until we reached a section in the back.

Jax stepped aside to allow me into the large booth before following. Yuri entered the large booth behind me. The cushions were leather the color of dark chocolate. We all sat. I'd barely rested my clutch on the table next to the "Reserved" sign before a girl in a black tank jumpsuit sauntered over with a champagne bucket.

"J!" She exclaimed as she sat the bucket down on the table and stretched her arms out for a hug. Jax stood and embraced her. I looked away. Any other woman touching him made me feel uncomfortable. Yuri was looking directly at me. Studying me it seemed. I furrowed my brow at him and decided to look down, finding safety in the hem of my dress.

"Sam! I didn't know you were working tonight," Jax offered.

"Yeah, man. On my grind. I'm going to take care of y'all tonight." I glanced up momentarily to see her shining at me with a beautiful smile and big brown eyes. That smile and those eyes that I'd recognized from before. The last time I'd seen them she was floating around her beautiful apartment the first night that Jax and I had hung out. Big place, big personality.

"This is my girl Bri and her boy Yuri. It's her birthday."

"I remember her. She's gorgeous! Happy Birthday! What're you drinking tonight?" I was startled at her speaking directly to me. At Jax calling me his girl. At having to choose a drink. I didn't know drinks. I was Jax's girl. Was I gorgeous? I sat there like a mute.

"Just bring a Goose and some plates," Jax told her. She nodded and bounced off toward the bar. I took a deep breath. I have to stop looking stupid. It's literally got to stop. I bounced my knee nervously. Jax sat back down and placed his hand on the small of my back.

"How do you like it?"

"It's a lot but I'm feeling better now."

"You do look gorgeous." He said as his hand slipped onto my thigh.

It's these things. The light touch on my back. The gentle hand on my thigh. Things he doesn't even think about but drives me absolutely crazy. I thought I'd light the leather couch on fire from the heat that was coming off of me in just that instant. Luckily Rita approached with David in tow and after more introductions, we danced, drank, and ate like stars.

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