Chapter 86

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Duke stepped forwards when John took hold of Oliver's arm.

"Dad, I thought you were going to die" Oliver half whispered. He couldn't believe he was actually alive.

John couldn't bring himself to speak. He was staring at Oliver as thoughts of wanting his warm blood overtook any other emotion.

He craved it so badly, he almost forgot Oliver was his son.

Vinny glanced at his dad, knowing that any sudden movement's would trigger John's violent stage.

After a vampire is newly turned, they want the blood so bad that it takes over their mind. It's almost like they're dealing with a completely different person.

"Oliver," Vinny said, with a little more warning in his tone. His soulmate looked up. He still had tears in his eyes and escaping down his face, but they were full of joy this time. "Come here," The stress and the worry that was showing on his face made Oliver realise how much danger he is in.

But he feared to leave his dad's side.

He wanted to hug him and cherish his warmth forever, but he did need to listen to Vinny.

Oliver turned back to his dad and attempted to pull his arm away but John tightened his grip.

"Is it okay if you let go?" Oliver asked as his heart began to beat faster. He was starting to feel a little scared.

John simply stared at his neck.

He could see his son's veins pumping and he wanted the blood. He needed the blood.

"Dad, you have to let go," He said as he tried to slowly release his hand from his arm, but John only squeezed tighter. "You're hurting me"

Vinny was losing his mind, someone was hurting his soulmate. He didn't care who it was, he would lash out at anyone who damaged his precious Oliver.

He squeezed his hands into fists and clenched his jaw. He was trying to hold in his anger.

"let him go," He said through gritted teeth but John ignored him.

Oliver looked over to Vinny with fear now growing in his sad eyes. How could he get out of this mess? At any moment, John was going to lash out and drink his blood. He didn't want his dad to feel the guilt and Oliver didn't want to-

Suddenly, John yanked Oliver forwards and flashed his teeth.

Vinny and Duke jumped forwards but stopped when they realised his teeth hadn't impaled Oliver yet. John was tracing his fangs along his neck.

He looked crazy and everyone knew at this current moment, his mind was lost.

"This isn't a game" Vinny growled as Oliver could barely breathe, he was terrified.

Jed was watching everything.

He had been stood by the door when the doctors switched off the machine, therefore, he saw the miracle but also saw how quickly it all changed when Oliver became immensely vulnerable.

But what could he do?

"Dad please" Oliver whispered. He had gone through so many emotions in such a short space of time that he was beginning to feel incredibly overwhelmed. He was very mentally unstable at this point.

Vinny watched as Oliver's hands began to shake once more.

"I need it," John said and even his voice sounded different. "And you're going to give me it"

Oliver didn't know if it was the danger, the atmosphere, lack of sleep or the level of stress he has been through lately but something inside him snapped.

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