Chapter 88

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Vinny sat at the end of the bed.

He was changed into his pyjamas, but his mind was too alive to sleep.

When they got home, Vinny took Oliver straight upstairs so he could get some rest. It took his soulmate a while to settle down and to drift off, he kept thinking over the events and becoming incredibly guilty for hurting his dad. What if John didn't forgive him for hurting him like that?

What if he's different now that he's a vampire?

Overall, Oliver was extremely thankful that he wasn't now mourning over the death of his dad.

Vinny twiddled his thumbs as he chewed the inside of his lip.

It was almost two in the morning and Oliver was fast asleep. Vinny hoped he would sleep all through the night because he needed it.

He kept thinking about that dream. The person in his dream told him that John wasn't going to die, but at a price. And that price was Oliver.

He wondered if John and his son's relationship will be different now. He hoped that it wouldn't, for Oliver's sake.

Vinny then decided that he wasn't able to sleep right now, so he stood up and walked around to his sleeping soulmate.

He reached down and ran a gentle hand through his soft hair before planting a sweet kiss onto his forehead.

Their limit was now set for two hours as he turned and walked out of the bedroom.

Jed was sleeping down the hall, but probably with one eye open as Vinny walked in the opposite direction.

The halls were dark and quiet. He loved it when it was like this because it's always so full of people during the day, so It's nice to just have it as a home for a few hours.

It didn't take him long until he reached the kitchen.

He was feeling more awake as he pushed the door open.

But to his surprise, his parents were there.

They looked up from where they were sitting to see their son coming into the room.

"Vinny? What're you doing up?" Madison smiled as she pulled out the stool next to her.

"Couldn't sleep" He mumbled before sitting down.

Madison brought a hand up and rubbed his back.

"Here," Duke said before pouring him a warm drink.

"Thanks," He said whilst wrapping his fingers around the mug. "I'm guessing you're both the same?"

"Yes," Duke said as he looked at his wife. They were just talking about everything and getting their feelings out in the open.

"How're you doing?" Madison asked. They've realised that throughout all of this, Vinny has been the rock of the family and nobody has bothered to ask how he was feeling.

"Okay," He said before taking a sip of his drink.

Duke watched him, but he wanted to dig deeper.

"But you're always okay. You can't be fine all the time Vinny"

His parents know that Vinny buries all of his problems and his emotions away and that's why he is so blank and so blunt all the time. They think that because he pushed them so deep down, they're too far for him to reach.

Vinny stared out the window for a moment. He hates opening up to people, even if it is only to his parents.

"I'm alright," He said before looking back at his dad.

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