Chapter 98

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"What does heaven look like?" Oliver asked. He was sitting with Vinny on the couch, opposite Jed.

"It's different for everyone. When you go to heaven, you'll see it how you'd imagine your paradise or your dreams" Jed said as he linked his fingers together.

"Do you see it as your paradise or do all angels see it the same?" He asked.

"Angels see it the same. Humans and Vampires have their own ideas on how heaven looks and it is very stereotypical. It's white... very white and nothing really makes massive amounts of sense. If you need a hospital, you will find yourself in a hospital room. If you need a garden, you'll be in a garden" It was hard explaining it for the first time.

"Oh so, what you think you need will appear?" Oliver asked.

Jed nodded. He was happy that he understood so easily.

Can I touch your wing now?" Oliver then asked. "But if that makes you uncomfortable then it's fine, you don't have to let me. You can even tell me to stop asking questions... I know I've asked a lot"

Vinny watched his soulmate as he spoke. They both felt their affection constantly circling their hearts and it was so hard for him to hold back a kiss.

"Don't worry about it, it's only normal for you to ask questions. And I know if I don't let you touch my wings then you'll keep asking until I do" Jed chuckled before standing up.

Oliver stayed sitting down as he began to see the white glow appear, just in case he did the same as last time and became too overwhelmed.

Madison, John, and Duke were sitting at the table. They had asked Jed all they needed to know and were now processing it all until it had sunken in properly, which it was starting to.

They turned and gawped at Jed's magnificent wings once more. That is a sight nobody would get used to.

Oliver felt an emotion wash through him as he stared at the creamy feathers.

He was still incredibly shocked to see them just appear like that, but curiosity got the better of him.

Slowly, he stood up.

Vinny stared at Jed's wings but he was more concentrated on his soulmate as he walked closer.

"Are you sure it's okay?" Oliver asked when he stopped almost a foot away.

"Oliver, it's fine" Jed smiled. He couldn't understand how crazy this must be for everyone.

Now that he definitely had the go ahead, Oliver reached his hand out until the tips of his fingers brushed against the perfect white feathers.

He flinched at first but was surprised to feel that they were warm and incredibly soft.

He traced his fingers so delicately across a few more feathers as Jed tried to stay still but it was tickling him.

Oliver then pulled his hand back and let a steady breath out.

"Thanks" He breathed before turning and sitting down close, next to Vinny. He was still very overcome with it all but he was getting there.

Jed put his wings away but didn't sit back down.

"If you don't mind, I must get back to my job," He said kindly.

"Thank you for being so patient" Vinny then said.

The bodyguard has sat through a lot of questions and answered them with a lot of content.

"You're welcome. I'm happy things are now out in the open. But just like I told your parents, you can't tell anyone else about this. It has to be strictly between us, okay?" He asked.

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