Chapter 94

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"I feel bruised," Oliver said as he handed back the ice skates.

Vinny smirked as he started putting on his own shoes.

They had been ice skating for just over two hours now and in the last ten minutes, Oliver stopped falling over.

Most of the time, he fell over because he wasn't afraid to try things such as backwards skating, spinning and skating on one leg.

"Oliver you were so funny" Madison chuckled.

"I knew I'd be terrible. But it was fun" He grinned as he finished putting his shoes back on.

"Well you had fun, that's the main thing" She smiled.

"Right come on then, adventure number two" Duke said as him and John walked towards the doors.

"What's adventure number two?" Oliver asked before taking Vinny's hand.


Even Vinny raised his eyebrows.

"Really?" He asked as they walked through the snowy car park and towards the car.

"Yes. Your mother and I thought it would be nice to do completely random and fun things today" Duke said as Madison linked arms with him. He didn't want to say they were having a day out to distract everyone's minds from the recent events. Especially Oliver's mind.

When they reached the car, Jed was already waiting for them as they all climbed in.

He then waited until they were buckled up before starting the engine and heading off to their next destination.

Oliver was now fully awake and enjoying spending time outside.

He loved how spontaneous the Vanderwood family can be.

It didn't take long for them to get to the paintball centre. It was still in their city so of course, they got a lot of stares as they got out the car and walked up to the small building.

When they entered, they were faced with a big guy in waterproof clothing.

"Alpha," He said politely like he was expecting them. "We're ready for you all"

They then followed him into a small room where they could get their safety gear on and their equipment.

"I was thinking," Duke said as he put a hard shell vest on. "We should do it individually. Each person to their own.

"I would agree to that if I was playing it with other humans"

"Oh yeah," John said, forgetting that he was actually a vampire. Oliver shook his head and chuckled at his dad.

"Hmm, how about you team up with Jed then?" Duke asked. Two humans against individual vampires seemed fair.

Vinny wanted to team up with Oliver but it would also be fun playing against him.

"Do we have the whole area?" Vinny asked.

"Yes, we rented the centre out for the rest of the morning," Madison said. She wanted to pair up with someone but she didn't mind trying it by herself.

"Okay, I'll pair up with Jed" Oliver smiled as he walked over to the door, knowing he was waiting outside it.

"You're on my team," He said and pulled him into the room.

Jed looked around and then back to Oliver.

"I've never played before," He said.

Everyone was surprised to hear that. Surely a bodyguard would have gone through similar training.

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