15 - Starting Over

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Dr. Scott stands in front of me, smiling, looking, frankly, appalled.

"Mrs. Easley, I can't express enough how...well, intrigued, and horrified I am over this."

I look at the doctor, and feel my brow furl on itself.

"What do you mean?"

He sighs, and sits next to my bed. I cuddle Myla closer to my arms.

"When you first arrived here, you were in bad shape, in really, really bad shape. Broken bones, cuts, bruises, a major concussion. I don't know if you remember this, but you were writhing in pain. We thought that Myla here would be in a far worse shape, which is why we had to perform an Emergency C-section. First, we were mindblown because she was completely unscathed, when normally babies of mothers in car accidents usually end up with at the very least, a broken collarbone. Then...it just got worse. You had internal bleeding, but we couldn't identify the source, though we suspected it was a uterine hemorrhage. Your brain activity was dropping at a rapid pace, and you were in and out of convulsions due to an allergic reaction to an anti-inflammatory we gave you. I've taken the liberty to update your records to not give you that particular medicine again. To be completely honest with you, Nova, we thought we were going to lose you. But...look at you. You're as good as new. A couple of bruised ribs, and a slight concussion, yes, but other than that, you're completely fine, and in a matter of hours. It's...it's uncanny!"

I look down at myself, and then at my daughter. "Why would that happen?"

"I don't have a single freaking idea. Other than whoever your guardian angel is, they're doing their job right."

I smile. "Thank you."

"You're very welcome." He stands, and walks to the other end of the bed, towards Myla.

"Now, we're going to have to administer her Vitamin K shot, and a spongebath, if that's okay with you."

I look down at her. "Sorry kid, time to be poked by the doctor a few times."

"Oh, it won't hurt that bad," he says.

"Maybe not to you, but to a newborn?"

"Yeah, no, they have a completely different pain threshold than adults do, I've noticed."

He and a nurse come in to give her her shots. I've been through this twice before, but it's never easier any other time. They count to three, and I know when to wince, but I still want to cry when I hear Myla start shrieking.

"All done! We're all done, baby girl. That's it. I promise," Sarah the nurse says.

"We won't be long," she turns and says to me, carrying Myla out.

I lean my head against the back of the bed onto my pillows, and close my eyes.

I pray to Cas.

Dr. Scott said that whoever my guardian angel was did a damn good job, and I have to say, I agree.

A moment later, Cas walks in the room.

"Hello," he says.

"Cas. How are you?"

"I'm fine. Dean's...angry with Sam, and Sam is still outside, thinking about things. But he'll come around. He always does."

I nod. "I...I think I was a little harsh on him."

"No. You weren't. You were very lenient to him. You did what you had to do."

I sigh. "I just hope he thinks so."

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