17 - Birthday Surprises

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~One Year Later~


Nova and Jody slowly walk out with the tiny baby chocolate cake, Nova opening her voice and getting the first syllable out before all the rest of us join in, singing Happy Birthday to Myla, who's currently sitting in her highchair, looking at all of us. Her brows snap together, her eyes, cautious, and alert, darts between everyone. Her lips are puckered, chin quivering. I can't help but laugh at the sight.

Sam. Dean. Cas. Jody. Nova. Jude. Aubrey. Myla. Jenna. Me. All of us, sitting around this table, as a family. One year has passed since the little lady of the evening was born, and my, what a year it's been.

Nova and her clan have moved a little closer to us in Kansas. She didn't see too much reason to stay behind, instead she decided she wanted to stay close to us. Jody and Jenna visit frequently enough, about once a month for a weekend. We live maybe ten minutes away from them, and it's nice to have them so close. We spend a lot more time with them, and for a lot longer, too. It's accurate to say I've won the title of favorite uncle from all of the kids, but Sam shares an even deeper bond with them. They love him, very much. I'm just the fun uncle with the nice car and the candy and sweets hookup. And I enjoy that.

Nova sets the cake in front of her tiny daughter, who looks up at her mother in a silent stare. She lets out a noise in a tone that indicates she's apprehensive. Which makes sense. This little girl's gotten in trouble for getting into things like this in the past. Now she's allowed to break the rules?

"It's all for you, baby girl!"

Myla blabbers away, and finally, she looks at the cake and reaches out her tiny hand to the top.

"There we go, dig in, kid," Sam says.

Myla sticks her other hand in the cake, but that's about all she does. Finally, Nova huffs, and stands behind her. She grabs the cake from the bottom of the plastic bit it came with and says, "Ready?"

Myla doesn't say anything, so Nova grins—

--and pushes the cake right in Myla's face.

Chocolate is everywhere on her. Somehow it even gets up in her tiny pigtails on either side of her head, tiny bits of chocolate dangling around.

Myla freezes, and looks startled, mouth agape. Nova turns around, and whips her phone out, quickly taking a picture.

"Oh my god." Nova says. She takes the picture, and bends over to one side to show Sam. Sam looks at it, and laughs. With that, Myla bursts into laughter, and takes the bit of cake in her hand and starts eating.

We all clap for her, and then Nova brings out a huge chocolate cake, slicing into it for all 10 of us. Nova takes a seat next to Sam, who looks at her with a look of longing on his face. I sigh, and turn to the cake. It's not pie, but it's a special occasion.

Sam still pines after Nova and it's only growing with time. Why he doesn't at least ask her to dinner, I don't know. But...one day, I'm gonna make him do it. As far as Nova, I don't even know what's on her mind anymore. Regarding Sam, that is. Nova and I have continued to maintain our friendship over the past year, and I know her thoughts and feelings about pretty much everything else. But nothing when it comes to my baby brother. But I know she thinks something of him, because they spend a lot of time together, developing whatever the hell relationship they're supposed to have.

A couple of hours go by, filled with people chattering and talking and smiling and eating food. At first, it made me feel uneasy because it was moments like this that preceded something terrible happening. But time has gone by, and nothing terrible has happened to us since. It's really nice. And now I can sit back and relax and enjoy a good birthday party for my little niece with my family. That's something I never thought I would get. Sam and I continue to find cases and hunt, but now we're at the point where the Big Bad has left us alone. At least, for now.

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