31 - Knocking on Heaven's Door

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What was once a familiar and welcoming sight now strikes me as unnerving. A little too clean. Unnatural. I've been living amongst humans for close to a decade now, and I have spent several thousand years in Heaven. I suppose it's everything I have done while on Earth that makes it so that I'm already unfamiliar in a sight that I once knew as home.

I walk down the quiet, white hallway, not sure where to find her. I know I'm in the right section.

Minutes, perhaps hours go by before I finally find her door. Time is irrelevant in Heaven.

Mary Campbell Winchester


I look at it for a good moment, and open the door.

When I open it, I see a young woman with blonde hair in a ponytail holding a baby boy that I know is a young Dean, who can't be more than two years old, standing in the front yard of a white home. I know from Dean's memories that this home is the one that would soon host her death a few short years later.

"Mary?" I call out. The young woman turns around, and sees me. She places the child on the ground, and he toddles away towards a younger John, who is calling his son's name, arms outstretched towards him.

"Come on, Dean, you can do it! You're doing such a good job!"

Mary turns her body so now she's completely facing me. The scene behind us changes. John and Dean disappear, leaving Mary and myself alone.

"Who are you?" she asks me.

"My name is Castiel. I am an angel of the Lord. And a friend of your sons, Sam and Dean."

Her eyes widen. "A friend of Sam and Dean's? Really?"

I get a better look at her. I see Dean has her nose. Sam has her jawline. Her eye shape, though while Mary's eyes are blue, they are not like the deep green of Dean's, or the green-brown hazel of Sam's. I do see a little more of Dean in Mary than I see Sam.

I nod.

"What's going on? Are they okay? If you're friends with them--?"

"They are still very much alive," I say, watching as she sighs a breath of relief.

"Perhaps we should have a seat while I fill you in on things," I say. She nods, and two armchairs materialize beside us in the front lawn. We take a seat.

Time is irrelevant in Heaven, yet I know hours go by as I tell Mary everything about her children. I had the idea to bring my cell phone with me. I didn't know if that would work in Heaven, and while I don't have any cell reception, I am still able to access the photos I have compiled over the past year or so. I show Mary her boys.

"What is this, some sort of thing angels keep around?" Mary asks me. I smile.

"No. This is what phones are now on Earth, believe it or not."

"Wait. Really? My god," she says, taking the phone and touching the screen. She jumps back as it responds to her touch.

"The screen is so smooth. And it...it moves with you. That's some Star Trek stuff right here."

I don't know what Star Trek is, so I just nod in agreement.

"Now. Castiel. Don't get me wrong. I love hearing about my boys. I'm proud of them, and I love that you're here. But—"

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