20 - Woah

301 13 2


"I know, I know, kiddo, it's okay. Dean, take her for a sec, I'm gonna go find a diaper. Do you know where Nova keeps them?"

Dean stops, staring in the distance for a moment. "Uh...normally she keeps them in the nursery. There's none in there?"

"No. I've checked. Shit. I hope she's not out. I don't want to head to the store."

"Well. Ask her. I gotta find Sam, let me know if you find any."

"Sure thing." Dean takes Myla, and walks down the hall where the guest rooms are.

I search around the livingroom, and Aubrey comes running in with a few Barbie dolls clutched in her hands.

"Hey. Aub. Quick question. Do you know where Mommy keeps the extra diapers?"

"Uh...in her room. By the table closest to the closet."

"Oh. Okay. Thanks, honey."

"You're welcome!" She says, and I walk down the opposite hallway, and knock gently on Nova's door. I never saw them come home from their date last night. It's only by the Impala being parked in the driveway that I even know she's there in the first place.

I crack the door open a slight bit, and hear snoring.

"Hey, Nova?" I whisper. "I just need to grab some diapers, we're out in the nurs—"

As I say that, I gently walk into the room and freeze at the sight in front of me.

The first thing I notice is the absolute mountain of scattered blankets in front of me, on Nova's bed. It takes a minute before I see Nova's sleeping face, hair tangled, all over the sheets, covered up, laying on her side. Her arms rest in front of her as if in prayer. She leans towards—

Sam. The mountain of blanket, and the snoring, is him. He faces her, his right hand reached out, just inches away from her. I can see his bare chest peaking out from the covers in spots. His bare calves stick out from the other end of the blanket. I look to the floor, and see their clothes thrown about.

"Holy shit," I whisper under my breath.

If it weren't for the fact that there was a baby with a full diaper in the next room, I would have just turned and walked out the door. But Myla's cries across the house are motivation enough for me to tiptoe in, where, in front of the nightstand, I see an open package of diapers. Stealthily I make my way for the diapers, and Nova starts rustling. She inches closer to Sam, her voice moaning under her breath. He takes his arm and wraps it around her. I slowly creep out of the door, diaper package in hand. When I make it to the door, I turn and look one last time to make sure I'm not seeing things. Sure enough, nothing has changed. Sam and Nova are definitely—

Holy fuck, is that her bra on the chandelier above her bed?

A black lacy thing drapes over the chandelier, and I feel my jaw drop. How? Nonono. I don't want to know.

I turn and silently close the door behind me, tiptoeing my way down the hall until I see Dean, Myla in hand chewing on a piece of bread.

"Where the hell did he go? I can't find Sam anywhere."

"Weellll. I just. Um." I clear my throat. "I just found him."

Closure (A Supernatural Fanfic)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon