Port Grathur

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Elias stared wide-eyed through the metal glass of the cockpit, a space station filling the space before the ship. The port was enormous, a spinning orb easily twice the size of Astara.

They drifted toward the glowing hole in the side of the station, Artemis expertly manoeuvring them into position. A voice suddenly filled the cockpit, and Elias bit back a yelp. He couldn't understand the words, but Artemis replied quickly, and the tiger's translator spoke for Elias' benefit.

"Grathur Port, this is Captain Artemis of the IEFL requesting docking."

More garbled words sounded through some kind of device beside Artemis and he replied.

"Extra lifeform is a neko from an unknown world, rescued and cared for. He is here of his volition, and can be questioned once the necessary steps are taken."

There was a pause, then the voice spoke one more time.

"Affirmative Grathur Port. Clearance to land on pad 24. Thank you and have a good day."

Turning to Elias, the tiger grinned.

"I always try to be polite. You never know when someone might decide to crash you," he said.

Elias shuddered at the idea and Artemis chuckled.

"Relax, they would not actually do that."

The ship slowed, floating toward the station's opening as the tiger turned to Elias.

"Listen, there is going to be a few things happening when we land. You are going to be taken for a day or two."

Elias shook his head quickly.

"Do not worry, it is nothing bad," Artemis reassured him just as quickly. "They are going to make sure you do not get sick from anywhere we go and put a... in you that will tell you everything anyone says. They will question you and you need to be honest with them. You should be brought back to me after you are done and I can show you around the port."

He frowned at the neko, at the purple shirt the man had been wearing for almost three weeks.

"The first step will be to get you some clothes that fit," he said.

Elias looked down at his body, taking in the slim fragile frame. The shirt barely covered him, and for the first time in years, Elias felt shame at his near nudity.

"Can I put on my pants?" he asked quietly.

Artemis focused intently on the station for a moment, steering them through the hole.

"I... threw them out the... It is standard procedure to get rid of anything that might have an unknown disease on it. ...can not protect against everything. But I did save the necklace. I know it is important to you. If the ... say it is safe you will have it back."

Elias shivered as they passed through the glowing entrance to the station. Poking at a small hole in the shirt, he sighed. At least his mother's necklace was safe, even if he didn't have it.

"You should sit," Artemis said, before turning the ship.

Elias stumbled, falling to the side. He grabbed the arm of the nearest chair and dragged himself into it, his eyes betraying his fear.

"Stations have a device that exerts some minor... towards the walls. It helps secure ships to their..." Artemis explained. "Normally the ship has its own... to compensate for the lack of it in space, but I turn it off before we enter a... It keeps things from getting messy."

There was a loud thump and Artemis flipped a switch. With a groaning sigh, the ship fell silent, and the tiger stood up, towering over the neko.

"Come on," he smiled. "Let us introduce you to the universe."

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن