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They remained apart through much of the next two weeks. Artemis landed on a station briefly, buying himself a new tablet, but within two hours of landing they were off again, neither wanting to remain near other beings. Artemis pushed the ship to its limits, growing ever more weary of space. He needed a break, and that wouldn't be found from a single night on a station.

He was still worried about Elias. The neko refused to eat, and he only drank water when Artemis pressured him to. The sooner they got to Egara, the sooner Artemis could have a mind healer look at Elias. He didn't know what else to do for the neko.

Artemis knew he needed to see a mind healer too, but Elias was his priority. They were both suffering from nightmares, sleeping in separate beds because Artemis didn't want to push Elias into a physical relationship. The neko had obviously been intimate with Reinard and the last thing Artemis wanted was for the neko to think he was trying to take Reinard's place.

It was a time of numb tension on the ship. Artemis tiptoed around Elias, trying to give him the space and quiet he seemed to need. There were certain things he forced upon the neko, such as food and water, but for the most part, he left Elias alone, waiting, hoping Elias would talk to him.

But as he woke on the tenth day out of Oyhaf, the ship's radar sending an alert, Artemis knew that the healing the two needed was not going to take place on the ship.

He didn't hold it against Elias; he would never do that. They had both lost a friend, and he understood that the neko needed to grieve. But he would always be there for the neko, if Elias ever needed him.

The tiger sat in the cockpit, checking the radar. They were in the sister system to Egara. All he needed to do was jump through the portal and he would be home. They would be home.

Slowing the ship to just below light-speed, Artemis stood up and left the cockpit. He made his way to Elias' room, knocking on the door quietly before entering.

Elias was curled up in his bed, sandwiched between the mattress and the ceiling. How he found that comfortable was beyond Artemis, but to each their own.

"We're in the Egara system. I'm about to power up the portal. Do you want to join me in the cockpit?"

Elias nodded tiredly, a small yawn escaping from him. He looked mortified at the slip, his ears and tail tucked so close to his body they nearly vanished.

"Hey, it's okay," Artemis said. "It was just a yawn."

He gently placed a hand on Elias' leg, relieved when the neko didn't immediately pull away.

"I'll meet you in the cockpit, okay?"

Elias nodded again, and Artemis left the room, his shoulders slumping as soon as he was out of Elias' sight. He hated seeing Elias in so much pain and he quietly vowed he would do anything in his power to help the neko feel better.

Elias stared at the gravity button in front of him. He remembered the sensation of falling through nothing, the last fun moment he had with Reinard. If he couldn't get the fox back, maybe he could still have the experience.

His hand reached out brushing the button as Artemis focused on the radar. It clicked quietly as he pressed it gently, uncertainly. What would Artemis say? The gravity was supposed to stay on at all times.

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now