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"Get the tablets. We're heading to the ship now," Artemis said, setting Reinard on the hotel bed.

The Faro was out cold, and the tiger gently shook him. There was no response.

"Fuck," the tiger muttered. "Come on. I want to get him to a med bay. Who knows when he was last checked?"

Elias scurried around the room, gathering everything they had brought with them. It wasn't much, but it still filled his arms. Artemis scooped the fox back into his arms and hurried out of the room again, Elias running to keep up with the taller cat's strides. He was worried about the fox; that scream still haunted him.

They were back at the ship in fifteen minutes, and Artemis had to twist to unlock the door with the fox in his hands. Elias dropped everything in the cabin as the tiger carried Reinard into the med bay. He rejoined the tiger less than a minute later.

"Elias, I need you to remove his clothes while I prep the bay," Artemis said.

Elias stared at the unconscious fox. This didn't feel right at all.

"He can't go into the pod with any clothing on,; it would interfere with any healing. You're helping by doing it," Artemis explained quickly.

The neko studied the fox. He was so small, smaller even than Elias.

Hesitantly, Elias gripped the hem of Reinard's shirt, slowly lifting it away from the fox's body. He could count every rib on Reinard's body, and he was afraid to touch the fox, scared he might break him.

Lifting the fox's head gently, the neko removed the shirt. It wasn't much different than the times he had been forced to do it for patrons at the inn in Astara, and Elias found himself slipping back into that slave mindset.

No, it was different, because this time he cared. He shook his head, clearing it.

Pulling Reinard's pants down, Elias stared at the fox's rod, so small and furry. He had to fight the urge to lick it, removing the pants the rest of the way.

"He has a hole..." he said uncertainly, as the rest of Reinard's groin was revealed.

Artemis gently pushed him aside, taking in the fox's body.

"I didn't know Faro were hermaphrodites..." the tiger said.

He returned to the pod's controls, making a few changes, before returning.

"Fuck, the collar..."

The tiger held his finger against the collar, wincing at the sound of the collar unlocking. He lifted the fox, gently depositing him into the pod.

The lid hissed shut over the fox and a quiet chirp sounded, letting the room's occupants know the pod was working its magic.

"Come on Elias. It will take a while for him to wake up," Artemis said, ushering the neko from the room.

The baying of dogs followed him as he galloped on all fours through a boulder-strewn field. He was free of the collar, free of the electric shocks it emitted.

Running on all fours, the fox darted into a tiny hole, squirming to get deeper within. He was small... but not small enough.

Sobbing, Reinard gasped for breath, stuck halfway inside the hole. Further in he could see a cavern filled with light, holes branching off in hundreds of directions. He would be free if he could just get inside.

The fox tried to make himself even smaller, wriggling his butt. It was no use. He was firmly stuck in the hole, the muffled sounds of the Dalmar chasing him growing ever closer.

The Neko's Tail (Book 2 of Astara)Where stories live. Discover now