🍂 unfairness

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Valenda beamed, breaking through girls lining up in the corridor, to her bestfriend's room, Sephia. They bursted into each other, hugging and beaming into happiness. 

"Oh my God, I knew it! You are incredible!"

Not long, two other girls entered the room and joined the hug, turning it into a group hug, Kathleen and Bethany. They laughed and cheered and beamed with happiness. Valenda's eyes brimming into tears of happiness. This was the first time she got the lead role on a play. 

After all of the euphoria, they calmed down a bit and sat on Sephia's bed. Her roommate, Janice, joined in and congratulate Valenda. They chatted over her audition experience, Valenda couldn't stop smiling and it made the rest of her friends smiled, too.

"I barely believe this. I mean, everyone is so cool and confident..." said Valenda shaking her head.

Sephia patted her shoulder and stroked it in assuring patterns. 

"Hey, you totally deserve it. I know how good you are and I know you do deserve it!"

"Yeah, I mean, you are very good, Val. Don't underestimate yourself!" said Kathleen, nodding her head in agreement. Bethany side-hugged Valenda.

"Thanks, you guys. Oh, anyway. I met a new friend in the audition. He goes to Welton!"

The four of them seemed interested. Because it was kinda rare to met a schoolmate in a town audition like that.

"And the funny thing is, he got the part of Romeo, hahaha."

They became histerical.

"OH MY GOD. Really?!" 



Are the responses they gave to that information. However it overwhelmed Valenda with all the histeric screaming.

"CALM DOWN, GEEZ," she sulked, clicking her tongue in disbelief. Were her friends always this loud?

"What is his name? How does he look?" asked Bethany, eyes filled with utter curiousity. Valenda sighed before answering.

"His name is Neil Perry. He is tall, with high cheeckbones, his hair is brown and slightly looked red? And he has a sweet smile,"

The last comment came accidentally. Her friends gone wild once again because of that she felt that she would go deaf any sooner. 

Janice, Sephia's roommate, raised her hands, gestured to her friends to stop yelling and screaming and teasing Valenda. "Neil Perry? I think I know him! He is Charlie's friend."


"Yeah, Charlie Dalton."

Sephia cringed HARD hearing that name. The image from that day came back to her, made her tremble. 

"Oh, yeah. I kind of remember he mentioned Charlie."

And they began talking about them, eventually found out that Todd, the boy Kathleen met, and Knox, the boy Bethany met, was also a part of Neil's group of friends.

What kind of coincidence is this? 

Or is it, fate?


Four days had passed since the announcement, Valenda and Neil had always go to practice together ever since. They had grown such great bond and chemistry that the director of the play was very satisfied with them.

On this fifth day, they were just arrived in the town hall, and the director had waited outside. It was no usual, so it was a bit surprising for them both.

"Good evening, Sir?" greeted Neil politely. The director replied the greetings and looked at them both in a very concerned way. It made them wonder.

"Err... anything wrong, Sir?" asked Valenda.

The director sighed.

"Yes, actually there is a problem," he looked at them, a hint of sadness and disappointment in his eyes. "So, the producer of this play's daughter, who played The Nurse... She made a very specific request to play as Juliet... So the producer asked you," he looked at Valenda, "to switch role with her."

There were a silent for a while before Neil broke it.

"Well, that wouldn't fair! We already have a strong chemistry, and we-" 

"Its alright, Neil," Valenda cut him, grabbed his shoulder. "What if I said no, Sir?" she looked to the director, trying her best to sound calm and confident.

"I'm afraid... I'm afraid the producer will cut you out off this play completely."

Valenda felt her heart sinked deep. Her hands trembled and turned cold. It was very unfair for her... It was her dream. She was so happy and passionate about it... But...

She smiled, before trying her hard to form up a forced smile. Neil stared at her worriedly, his hand reached out to her hand and grabbed it reassuringly.

"Well, I guess... Playing the nurse is better than not playing at all."

She said those words with trembling voice, before she turned her heels and ran to the back of the town hall and cried. Neil ran after her, and eventually he skipped the practice to comfort her all evening.



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