🍂 chaotic first meeting

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"Okay, so, what are we going to do now?" asked Neil, seemed so done after finally managed to calmed down the others who previously were so wild because of Charlie's controversial statement.

Cameron cleared his throat to get attention. Everybody turned their head to the ginger lad, and he had a big smile plastered on his face. 

"What is it, Cameron?" asked Charlie in his usual tone. It was clear for everybody but Cameron that Charlie always despises him. 

Cameron's smile got even wider, and he then rummaged through his bags of belongings which everybody just noticed he brought. He then pulled out a thin plank of wood and then put it in the cave floor in the middle of everybody.

It was an unfamiliar thing for most of them, it was a wood plank with moon and sun on both of the upper corners, it had a yes, a no, and had numbers and letters all accross it.

Cameron was also holding a piece of wood in the shape of an arrowhead with a hole in the middle.

"What the heck is that?" asked Knox with both eyebrows furrowed. Almost everybody had the same confused but curious expression, looking at the thing Cameron brought.

"Its a spirit board! Actually the name is Ouija Board," said Cameron while putting the planchette to the board. "You guys seriously havent heard of these?"

"Ah, I know this! This is used to communicate with spirits, right?" asked Bethany.

"You believe in those things?" It was Knox. And Bethany sent him a death glare.

"I don't believe in ghosts but that looked like fun," said Pitts and some of the others nodded in agreement.

"Okay lets start," said Cameron while sitting right next to the board. He gestured for everybody to join him, and most of the people did so except for Valenda.

"What's up, Val? You afraid?" asked Sephia, giggling, in a mocking tone. She knew Valenda wasn't the type to believe ghosts.

Valenda rolled her eyes and finally joined them.

They all put a hand on the planchatte, of Cameron's order. Cameron put both of his hands and then start moving it in circular motions.

"Hello, is there any entity here beside us that would like to communicate?"

No sign of anything. Cameron tried again and said the same thing.

"Hello, is there any entity here beside us that would like to communicate?"

Still no sign of anything. Cameron tried again.

"Hello, is there any entity here beside us that would like to communicate?"

Still nothing.

Valenda scoffed and said,
"See, I'm not wrong for not believingㅡ"

Her words was cut because the planchette was suddenly pulled to the 'yes' word. Everybody fell silent.

"It was you wasnt it, Cameron?" Charlie finally broke the silence.

"No it wasnt me!" Cameron didn't seem to like what Charlie had to say to him. "Quick, everybody, take off your hand of the planchette."

And everybody did so, including Charlie.

"So hello, who are you?"

The planchette moved.

The. Planchette. Fucking. Moved.

There was a deadly silent amongst them as everybody feeling goosebumps on their entire body.

Sephia, Bethany and Kathleen moved closer to Valenda. Meeks and Pitts hold hands, and Todd lowkey hid behind Neil.


Cameron spelled the words the planchette pointed.





"Oh, so your name was Alita?"

The planchette moved to 'yes'.

"So... how did you die?"

"CAMERON!" yelled Bethany, because as far as her knowings, that was the last thing to asked to a spirit.

"What?" asked Cameron back.

Everybody watched as the planchette slowly moved to the word 'goodbye'.

And before everybody could react, all of their flashlights blinked in such a fast pace and everyone started freaking out.

In the middle of that, a whisper could be heard.


And as the temperature dropped, they all ran and screamed.



Hey sorry it took me long to update this chapter. I was busy and I have like zero inspiration 😭

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