*A Study In Pink: Part Six*

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Chapter Six: I Walk A Lonely Road

"Anderson." Sherlock scowled as a man came out of the flat door and onto the street. I felt John grasp my hand with his free one, and he leaned over to me.

"Stick next to me. And don't wander off." he whispered.

"It's a crime scene, I don't want it contaminated." Anderson ordered Sherlock, then turned to me. "And she's under aged. Can't allow her in."

"Rubbish." John muttered.

"Okay. She can stay out here." Sherlock said, not even glancing at me. To be honest I didn't care that much anyway. I'm just that leaf floating in the sea, literally going with the flow.
"John, it's okay." I said as Sherlock waltzed into the flat. John turned to me, leaning on his cane.
"Sergeant Donovan, make sure she doesn't leave this spot." He said to Sally, then followed Sherlock. I sat on the sidewalk, plugging in my music and ignoring the world for a while. I blinked and saw Sally in front of me.

"Sorry. They usually let children in. Well, at least they let Sherlock in, which is close enough." She said. I just nodded to her and looked across the street at the worried neighbors. So someone killed themselves. People die everyday. They should go weep with their relatives if they want. When I die, I hope John won't be like this...

I stood up and started walking to the police tape.
"Oy! I told your Uncle you wouldn't leave." Sally said, stopping me from lifting the yellow plastic. I just looked at her, then shrugged my shoulders.

"Just tell him I went home." I said, then dove under the tape, walking in the direction of the main road.


There is no way I would go home at this hour. The flat would be locked and mom would be washed up on the couch, too drunk to function. I walked along the side, glancing at nearby stores and goods through the windows.

Somehow, I came across 221B, and wondered if it would be worth it to go in. Cautiously, I approached the door and knocked ever so slightly. The door opened to Mrs. Hudson.
"Oh! It's the floor girl! Come in sweetie." she greeted. I was wondering if I should be offended by 'floor girl' or not.
"Is John home?" I asked, walking into the- now more tidy- flat.
"No not yet. Not even Sherlock. Dear me, did you tell them where you were going?" she asked.
"No why would I?" I asked in a tone that made her stand there for a while before leaving.

I sat on the couch before pulling out my earphones and laying down, falling asleep instantly."


I knew it wasn't long, but when I woke, it was still nighttime, and I was in the floor. Sherlock had taken my place on the couch, and was exhaling quite dramatically. On the floor next to me was a box of nicotine patches, and three wrappers.
'Good god, does he need that much?' I thought. I sat up as John walked in.

"What are you doing?" He asked.
"Took a nap." I said.
"Nicotine Patch. Helps me think." Sherlock said at the same time. I saw him roll up his sleeve to reveal three circular, flesh-colored patches on his forearm.

"Impossible to sustain a smoking habit in London these days. Bad for brain work." He added, pressing the patches against his arm.

"It's good for breathing." John said.
"Oh, breathing. Breathing is boring." Sherlock mumbled. I agree Sherlock.
"Is that three patches?" John asked.
"It's a three patch problem." Sherlock said, relaxing on the couch again.

After a moment, I stand and go sit in one of the chairs, fiddling with my thumbs.
"Well?" John asked. "You asked me to come, I'm assuming it's important." He asked Sherlock.
"Oh yeah, of course, can I borrow your phone?" He asked. John just carries a shocked look. "I mean, I tried Aspen's, but it was dead."

It's then I notice my phone not in my pocket, but on the coffee table.
"Wow, thanks." I said, sarcastically.

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