Chapter 2 *Being a matchmaker*

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Chapter 2_ * being the match maker*

"If you don't wake up I'll tell Mum and Dad that you failed your last maths test.." Max whispered into my ear.

Even in my sleepy state my eyes shot open and I started giving him a death glare. Stupid blackmail...

"Fine, fine, fine, I'm getting up" I replied, wiping the remains of sleep from my eyes. I glanced over to my white clock that was sitting on my bedside table and I quickly scurried out of bed realising it was already 8.00 am and I had to leave in 10 minutes.

The cool morning air hit my bare skin making me shiver - apparently if you get the shivers someone's soul is walking through you. Imagine if that was true, how creepy..


I tore off my tank top and replaced it with my school uniform, fumbling to button it up.

I quickly put on my navy blue plaid skirt, collected my bag from the floor of my bedroom and quickly tied my light blonde hair in a ponytail.

I ran into the kitchen with my bag falling off my shoulders as I quickly got a granola bar from the cupboard and started walking out the door.

Outside was time I should keep a jacket in my bag so if it is cold I don't have to go back inside. While walking I swear there was someone behind me but I didn't do any ninja kicking just incase it was that cat again.

The school popped into view and my mood went down about 60%. Just seeing the groups of people outside catching up on the latest gossip ruins my mood.

"Hey Chloe" Maya walks up to me, wrapping me into a bear hug.

"Ya Maya what's up bro" I said,while trying to do a ghetto voice, I just sounded constipated.

"Never ... do .. that ... again" she burst into a fit of giggles drawing some un desired attention from the popular clique that was standing in the corner.

I hate all those popular girls, I mean all they do is wear their skirts up to their asses, wear makeup that could last about 10 girls and they gossip about everything.

"Oh mu gosh! Did you hear Emmie got a job at Starbucks?!"
"Yeah only losers work at Starbucks ahaha"
See what I mean? I used to be best friend with one of them too..

Bad bad memories that I never want to re-live.

"So, ready for another fun maths lesson?" I say in a squeaky voice throwing my hand up in the air mimicking some sort of cheerleader.

Yeah, I dont think I looked like a cheerleader but I tried.

"Oh em ghee yes I just love maths and finding the X from an equation, its my lifeeee" she replied in the same tone as I did.

Linking her arm through mine, we started walking into the school and to our maths class.

Walking into the classroom not many people were there just a few girls sitting up the back finishing homework or guys in the corner quietly listening to music.

We took a seat in the middle row and we both got out our iPods. Putting the earphones into my ears, I started humming along to a Justin Bieber song.

What they were catchy;

If I was your boyfriend id never let you go

I could take you places you aint never been before

baby take a chance or you'll never ever know

ive got money in my hand that I really wanna blow

"Get those earphones out of your ears and start listening to me" Miss Burnt Maple gives me and a few other people death glares.

"Well it's not my fault I'd rather sit and listen to music that your raspy voice'' I mumble as I stuff my iPod in my bag.

"What did you say?", she growled.

"Nothing Miss, nothing at all.." I smirked, getting out a clean piece of paper ready to write down what I could understand of the notes she wrote on the board.

I look over and find that crack I was looking at yesterday and now I swear there are 2 of those bugs looking through there. I faintly remember there being 6-8 eyes not like 18.

That's just not normal.... not at all.

The door opens and yet again walks in that new guy who, lets just say, looks and acts like a jerk.

"Class, this is Blake Ryder, I expect for everyone to make him feel welcome, choose a seat anywhere in this room and start copying the notes I've wrote up on the board" ,her voice sounds sweet.

Sweet. I've never even thought she could talk like that.. woah interesting.

I guess we do learn something new everyday.

The chair to the left of me scrapes, creating a horrible ringing noise in my ears, stupid jerk. I don't even know him but he's already pissing me off.

Either he's a jerk or I'm just a bitch..yeah he's a jerk.

"Pst what does question 1,2,3,4,5,6 say?" Blake, or Jerk as I shall now call him, whispers not so quietly from beside me.

"How do I know, I just write down what I understand" I reply.

"You understand something? Oh I didn't think a girl like you could", he smirked.

"What do you mean 'a girl like me'?" I spit out. Really, he has seen me once and thinks he can call me dumb.. jerk.

"Yeah, you always stare at the cracks that are on these old walls, you don't really pay attention that much", he replied.

"Yeah I'm smarter than you think .. jerk" I mutter bringing my gaze back to my page.

"She wants me" he says again not so quietly to himself.

Yeah. What I want is to shove a stick up your ass. Imagine what his reaction would be..but then maybe he's used to things getting stuck up his ass.


"Guys, have you met that new kid Blake Ryder?" I ask, leaning on the big tree we usually sit under.

"Yes, he's is so damn hot but not my type" Marissa replies, taking a sip from her juice box.

Duh because your type is Zack.....

"Oh my gosh! He has like the best hair and his abs, oh my gosh I would so like lick whipped cream off them" Zack pipes in doing some weird hand gestures while putting in a feminine voice.

"Yeah he's like the biggest jerk and I've only known him for what 2 days, theres something about him that rubs me the wrong way" I say.

"Yeah, but remember when we first met I rubbed you the wrong way and now we're best friends" Kelly said.

"Touche but you didn't imply that I was dumb did you?"

"Not to your face I didnt" she smirked giving me a wink.

"OH BURN" some random guy shouts from the oval.

Ok I think that maybe we should keep our voices down or else the whole school will know what we talk about here.

I look through my bag and find my slice of cake that I bought on the way to school today. What? There's a small coffee shop nearby the school so why not walk a little longer and get some cake while I'm at it?

Pretty smart, hey?

"So, ladies and guy I've heard from a little bird that Chloe over here has been talking about me.. Is it my amazing hair or eyes that have made you fall in love with me at first sight?", speak of the devil and there he appeared.

"Yes, I was talking about how artifial your hair looks and how I'm in love with the idea of throwing you down a well after school" I say, giving him a sweet smile.

"Ouch that hurts, can I just ask a question?", the jerk says.

"You just asked one?" Yeah I'm pretty good with comebacks..

"Well I'm just going to anyways , how can you eat so much food and stay skinny? Yesterday you were eating a bag of popcorn on your way home, today you're eating a granola bar and during class you're always eating and now you have a massive piece of cake"

"I just process food faster than you hence keeping me in shape"

"Oh honey you're skinny but I dont think you're in shape" he smirked.

"What? Do you stalk me now? Mext you're going to come to my house tonight to have dinner with me and my family" I said.

"Sorry love today I'm booked, already going for a business dinner with my dad" he shrugged.

"I hope you get food contamination" I give him a wave before turning my back to him and hoping he leaves me the hell alone.

"You two are so cute" Marissa says.

"Yeah, nope."

"You'll see" she says in a sing songy voice batting her eyelashes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Zack just staring at her. How hasn't anyone noticed this? Maybe they already have or they just think he's daydreaming..

"Zack stop staring at Marissa for one moment please" Kelly scolds him and starts wiggling her fingers in front of his face.

He blushed a deep crimson and so did Marissa "I wasnt staring"

"Whatever" she mumbles.

"Well guys I better make my way off to class, Marissa can you come with me since your class is close to mine?" I ask.

"But my class in on the other side--" I cut her off by pulling her up from her sitting position and basically dragging her away.

"What do you need Chlo?" she asks, when we're a reasonable distance from the group

"So are you waiting for Zack to ask you out or are you going to ask him out?"

"Uhm what are you on about?" she mumbles, looking at a bunch of guys sitting on the grass far away from us.

Ha, what a bad liar....

"You know you cant lie, so when did you realise?" I ask.

"Yesterday. But he's my best friend and this is all like cliché and I don't know what to do" she says, looking sad. Awww now I have to talk to Zack!

"Well follow the cliché romance way and wait for him to ask you because he's to scared to do it by himself now because he doesn't want to be rejected and make the friendship awkward" I say.

"Yep thats spot on"

Awe how cute "Well I have to go to class but I'll see you at lunch, darling" I give her a one armed hug and start walking in the direction of my next class.

I walk into my Health class and yet again the Devil is already there surrounded by a group of girls or shall I say dogs?

"My gosh Blake your arms are like so strong" Lilly compliments him, putting one of her paws on his arm.

He actually looked a bit scared.. I felt an ounce of sympathy for him. I mean being touched by Lilly is like a nightmare..

"Sit down class. It's time for an exciting health lesson" Mr. White, our awkward health teacher, walked in, tripping on an imaginary bananas peel and falling flat on the floor throwing his stack of papers everywhere.

Now this is one of the perks of coming to this horrid place called school.

After about 5 minuted of the poor guy limping and trying to pick up all his papers, the real fun started.

First he handed out bananas to every guy in the class and then condoms. All the guys were blushing red, while the girls couldn't keep the smiles off their faces.

"So you guys have to put the condom over the banana and make sure it fits properly, you don't want a banana tree to start growing, do you?" Mr.White said.

I couldn't contain my laughter any longer, not just because of what they had to do, but the look on Blake's face was priceless! I actually got a photo of it because it was just too damn funny.

What came next was even better.

Every girl got two oranges and then these cheap overused bras got handed around so we had to pair up with the guy on our right - I, of course, had to get Blake and then put the oranges in the bra and put them on the guy.

I think Mr White's activity sheet got mixed up because most senior girls know how to work a bra. Well, I hope they do.

"Get up, Blake, this is going to be so much fun" I grin.

He curses under his breath and reluctantly stands up.

"Now Blake hold your boobs while I put your hot pink leopard print bra on" I smirked, ah this is going to be so funny.

After about 5 minutes of squirming, Blake finally got the bra on and I just couldn't stop laughing. While he was laughing at the other guys I quickly snapped a photo of him.

"Okay since its time for your next class, you boys better take the bras off and go", the teacher said before walking out of the classroom.

Um, does he really trust a bunch of giddy senior students that have just put bras on guys? I think he's on crack or meth.....


"So Zacky, when are you going to ask Marissa out?" I ask. Right now we are walking over to our usual spot and since no one is there yet I can give him a nice long pep talk.

"What do you mean?" he blushes.. how freaking cute!!

"Oh, come one you like her and she likes you, just go for it" I say, taking a seat on the green grass.

"No, she doesn't, she's like way out of my league" he argues.

"Even if she is she fell for you so you better make a move before some other ignorant cocky dickhead takes her away" I tell him.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" he replies, a bit too cheerfully.

He better ask her out or things wont be very pretty for him.

"Hey guys, what are you talking about?" Kelly appears and takes a seat next to me.

"Oh, just giving this idiot some confidence before he asks Marissa out" I reply, munching on a carrot.

"Finally! It's been annoying me all last year too when they were giving each other googly eyes and not noticing" she sighs.

"How did you know and I didnt?!" Zack asks.

"Us girls notice things more than guys do but it's still a mystery on why she likes you" I say, casually.

"Well, that's not mean at all.." he grumbles.


The final bell rings signalling it's time to get the hell out of this dump.

*fist pump* Well, a mental one, if I did that I would look like a lunatic.

The walk home is even more annyoing than yesterday since my iPod has ran out of battery and the only noises I hear are either driving teenagers, my doorsteps or stupid birds chirping.

I mean these birds are annoying the hell out of me.

After 15 minutes of silent walking I finally reach my house and a little wave of happiness runs through me. What it means I get to just lay down and eat.

I open the door and walk into the kitchen. Max and Mum are sitting there eating left over soup. Ew ew ew..

"Mum, I didn't know you were going to be home" I say. Well there goes my plans of doing nothing.

"Oh your father has got some guests coming for dinner and I have to prepare the house and food, luckily for you, Max has already done everything so all you need to do is have a shower and make yourself look presentable" she nods at me, wait, was that supposed to sound mean?!

"Go have a shower now then, they're coming at 6 so you only have 2 hours to get ready" she gives me a final look, before stuffing her famous roast turkey.

I walk to my room and drop my limp body onto the bed, admiring its comfortableness. It always makes me feel like I'm sleeping on a cloud or well laying on one.

Sadly I have to get up and trek over to my closet and start looking through my collection of 'dads business dinner dresses'.

I finally pick out a purple dress that has a white bow just below the bust and goes mid thigh.

I grab my make-up bag and walk into the bathroom to go and have a shower.

The warm water first burns my skin but after a while it starts soothing my muscles and washing away all the thoughts of school and homework.

I wash my hair with this coconut hair lotion that acctually makes it smell nice and feel like silk.

I get out of the shower and dry my hair with a blow drier, making it fall in loose natural curls going down to the middle of my back.

I start doing my make-up since I have to look good, even though these things have nothing to do with me.

I have violet eyes that sometimes change to blue depending on what mood im in. Hm, strange right?

I put some brown eye-shadow on my eyelids then do my best at winged eyeliner. It actually didn't turn out too bad .. well on my right eye it didn't but on my left it looks a bit weird but no one will notice, right?

I put on a few coats of mascara trying to make my eyelashes look longer. You know what annoys me?

In all these mascara ads they show amazingly long eyelashes and you believe that yours will look like that if you use that mascara so you go spend 40 dollars on it and what happens? They just look normal not long and thick like in the ad.

There were times I wanted to sue them for false adverting.

The doorbell rings so I decided to stay in my room for a few more minutes giving my mum and dad time to show our guests around the house and have a chat.

After about five minutes I slip on a pair of silver ballet flats and go into the dining room to greet whoever my dad had invited to dinner.

On the couch is an old man that looks like he's in his mid 40's. He has dark hair and is wearing a pair of black pants and a white button down shirt.

Next to him is sitting a guy around my age.. wait he looks familiar.. oh god no.

"Oh, hey Chloe"
Damn, maybe Blake really does stalk me.

"Blake, I presume you and Chloe have already met?" my dad asks.

"Yes we have" I reply dryly.

"Well then go show him your room" My mum suggests.

Before I can argue, Blake stands up and walks over to me "I would love to see your room, Chloe" I grit my teeth and reluctantly lead him to my room.

"By the way the winged eye-liner on your left eye looks a bit weird" he whispers.

The prick.


Okay okay okay

this may be sounding so cliché but dont worry I need to start it like this to get into the main plot of the story


it does have a little bit of it butonly about 20% give it a chance ?

Thank you lovley reader



Next upload: Sunday

Teasers: Someoes falls inlove , someone has a fight, ots of drama

stay tuned and maybe leave some comments

or votes you know it would mean alot

thanks again

- Ginny


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