Chapter 27 * Surviving the kidnap *

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Chapter 27 * Surviving the kidnap *

Chloe Miller

I groggily opened my eyes and adjusted my eyes to wherever the hell I am, If I'm still at that clearing why is it so dark.

I look around and realise I'm in some sort of room or whatever it is. My hart starts pounding since I've clearly never been here before. I look down and realise that I'm laying on a scratchy checker print couch.

I rub the remains of sleep from my eyes before sitting up and inspecting the room a little bit more before I try and make my great escape.

Its really small with two small windows covered with roller shutters and only letting a small bit of sunlight get into the room. There is a small couch the one I'm laying on and some sort of small coffee table and mini fridge.

First things first, lets try to open the door

I jump up off the couch and run over to the door shaking the door knob aggressively to get it open – Just to my luck its locked shut.

Well I guess I've been Kidnapped.. Or shall I say Chloe-napped..

This is so not the time for my freaking annoying sarcasm, oh my god what if I get killed by whoever kidnapped me.

Or raped..

Or even worse I get deprived of food and the only thing they will feed me is some weird broccoli soup.

Oh god no, that would be worse than death to be honest..

Okay Chloe lets think of ways to get the hell out of here because the smell of over used air freshener is giving me the biggest headache on earth, I mean are the trying to cover up the stench of dead bodies.

That though just makes me shudder...

Okay so out of a table, couch and mini fridge how can I make a deadly weapon to get myself out of here?

Well I could try and throw the couch out of the window, smash the glass and run the hell away but there's one flaw in my amazing plan.

I cant life this couch because its huge, same goes for the table.

Why did I get a gym membership last year? Oh I know why because I would have rather ate and sat on the computer all day.

Well I didn't know I would get taken and then need to have muscles to life up a couch or table....

I let out a shaky sigh and fall back onto the couch, this is not how I expected my day to be, not at all

Blake Ryder

Why did people bother to send me to school anyway, its just a waist of precious time that could be used for many many better things.

Surviving My Senior Yearजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें