Chapter eight

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It's dark

No one can save you

Oh how lovely you would taste

I woke up with a scream. "Oh my, dear relax you are alright you are safe what happened ??" My mom said. My dad was also by my side, and my brothers didn't care of course

Why would they?

"Emily can you hear me? Emily!" My mom yelled.
"Ye-s-s I'm sorry I blacked out it was nothing, just a nightmare." I said. Well lied. It was scary and it wasn't nothing. "Well are you okay now? Do you wanna talk about it? Maybe with your brothers?" My mom asked. Oh yeah because they would definitely help me. (Note the sarcasm)
"No I'm good, but thank you for checking on me" I said to the both of them. "Try to get some sleep for the rest of the night" my dad said, as he planted a kiss on Top of my head. "Yeah I will try, goodnight again" I said getting back under my covers. "Goodnight sweetie we love you" My mom said as the both got out of my room. They were so in love and cared so much for I mean what does it feel like to have someone love you? I mean my parents always say that they love me, but it doesn't feel genuine so I don't know, but how does it feel to have someone actually care for you?

I tried to go to back to sleep but it didn't work, I stayed up the rest of the night thinking about how it had been over 8 years since I last dreamt about the monster that I would "see" in the basement. I know now that it just was my imagination but it's still scary.

Right as I was about to go to sleep the sun came up. Wow this is just great.

I started getting ready for the day, it was Saturday so I didn't have that much to do, I just put on some nike pro shorts and a crop top, with a hoodie on top. And the. I did the rest of my morning routine.

"Boo!" Yelled Benji. I jumped a little because I didn't see him at all, I mean I opened the fridge to take an apple out and then when I close it he's there! Who wouldn't have gotten a shock? I just ignored him and went over to the counter, that I could barely stand over. "Aww I heard someone had nightmares about the monsters again" Benji teased. I looked up at him with hurt and confusion filled in my eyes. First of all why would my parents tell him? If he know all of them probably knows. And second of all I thought he was trying to help me, and not be an asshole. " do you know?" I said. "Why do you care?" He said as he walked out. I should have told him but I was just in to much of a shocked state right now. "Oh yeah mom told me to tell you that there will be a house party with our cousins at 5 pm they just arrived in California" Benji said. I just nodded. "Hey Benji you know what I said to you last night..I'm sorry I didn't mean to..." I said. "I don't care if you are trying to get sympathy or some shit like that I just carried you because mom and dad would of started wondering where you were" Benjii said. "Oh and I would never feel sorry for you, you deserve all the shit you get. Oh and why are you eating aren't you already fat enough?" Benji said with a smirk on his face knowing that he had hurt me. "We-l-l  I..." I said. " speak up you fucking bitch!" He Yelled. Good that our parents weren't home
Right now. "You should just start throwing up" he said as he left.

I had tried it before but it's really unhealthy

But it helped you get skinny

No stop, it was a bad way to get skinny

But weren't you light as a feather back then? Look at yourself now? This is why no one likes you.

Maybe I should start again...

I looked at the Appel that I had cut out. I just looked at it thinking for a good 3 minutes. I decided to just throw it out.

I guess I'm starting again...

Sry for the short chapter! But you are getting a long one tomorrow!
- luv you. You are beautiful. Have a nice day

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