Chapter eleven

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Outside the house

"Are you really wearing that?"

I couldn't figure who's voice it was. And it was really dark outside so I couldn't really tell.
"Hello?" I ask scared.
"Look too your left stupid"
Oh it's Mira
"Oh I'm sorry hi Mira I didn't see u at all sorry" I said trying to be polite.
"Cut the bullshit Emily, u have gotten so much ugly since the last time I've seen u oh my god it's actually hilarious. Anyway are u tryna get some smoke?" She asks as she leans in and lowers her voice saying the last part.
"I'm sorry wh-"
"You heard me, want some?" She asks.
I'm kinda shocked I always saw her as the perfect daughter that would never do such a thing.
"N-n-n-n-n o thank u" I tried to say as bravely as I could but failed miserably.
"Pussy" she said under her breath. "So what have u been up to? How are u? Haven't seen you in a long time" she said as she lit her blunt. Woah it kinda looks fascinating. I've always wondered what it must feel like to be high on coke or molly or something like that. From what I've heard it's like ur drunk but (depending on the drug) you see stuff and see things in a weird way. Almost like you create your own world. It really fascinates me. It seems like a way to get away from your own pathetic life.

"Hello?" Mira said in a questioning way. "Huh? Oh yeah sorry uhhh I'm great yeah fine as always and nothing much just school I guess and dance so yeah" I answered back rather fazed on her blunt. "What about you?" I managed to get out. "You don't wanna hear about my life, your little virgin ears couldn't handle it" she said as she walked away.

Well that's Mira for you. The only other girl cousin from my dads side. I haven't ever gotten to know her. All I know is that she is very fashionable and likes partying and I guess smoking too.

"Okay Emily you can go with Daniel, Stilles and Benji" my dad said. Great I have to drive with them who almost made me suffocate. Just great.
"And boys no teasing your sister, and Daniel drives understood?" My dad said to the guys. "Dad cmon why the fuck can't I drive?" Stilles expresses rather pressed. "Don't you dare use that tone with me Stilles you and I both know why, now get in get going. See you guys at the restaurant drive safe. Love you." My dad said as he went off.
"Well let's go guys" Daniel said. Normally there would be a fight about shotgun but not with them. I guess Benji knows his place when it comes to Stilles, so Stilles got to sit shotgun and Benji was in the back with me. As for me I wouldn't dream about sitting next to Daniel.

At the restaurant

I was asleep in the car, it had been a long ass day. Pardon my language.
"Okay let's go" Daniel said.
"Wake up" Benji said as he shook me. "Bruh I'm not dealing with this shit. U get her to wake up" Benji said as he got out of the car. Stiles sighed as he opens the door where I was sitting. "Hey wake the fuck up you little shit we are here" Stiles said. "EMILY WAKE UP" Stiles yelled. "Uh what I'm what where are we what wh-" I woke up in utter confusion. "We are at the restaurant are u really that stupid god can't believe your our sister. Get out of the car before we leave you in here." Stilles said. "Oh yeah that right I'm s-o-o-o-ry" I stuttered out. " I'm s-o-o-o-ry" Benji teased my stuttering. "You are such a fucking baby grow up" he said as he started heading to the door.
"Can we just go already?" Daniel said.
"Yeah let's go" Stilles responded. I just got my handbag and then got out of the car without saying a thing.

"Hi My family booked table 11" Daniel said. "It's right over her sir" the waitress said. "She kinda cute" Benji said to Stilles. "Yeah? That ur type? Gingers? Well fucking go for it man, ask for her number no balls I won't" Stiles teased back. "Really? Fucking watch me" Benji answers back.
We got to the table and we were the first ones there.
"Would you like any drinks?" The waitress asked." I'd like a coke" Daniel said. "Same for me" Stilles said. Then they looked at me. "Uh I-I-I-i would like a water thank you" I stuttered out, god damn it. I always have to stutter.
"okay great and you sir?" The waitress asked Benji. "Well I would like your number and a coke thank you" he answered confidently. Damn I could never.
She gave him a "damn straight" look and she took of. "My man" Stilles said as he gave Benji a bro handshake. "Benji is getting the girls huh?" Daniel asked teasingly. "I didn't know u were into gingers" Daniel teased again. "Y'all can joke all you want I just got a hot date" Benji said in his defense. Then we all broke out in laughter I couldn't hold it in and thank god they didn't get mad at me.

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