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"Damon where were you yesterday?!"

"Why do you care Elena?"

"Because your my friend Damon!"

"Your friend?"


"Please! If I your friend then you wouldn't constantly flirt with me, try to change me then say sorry it's Stefan!"

"I never do that Damon! Why would you ever think that!?"

"Because your just like Katherine!"

"I am not like Katherine!"

"Elena your a bitch! You act just like her you drag me and Stefan along like your little pets then break ones heart and do the same thing over and over again! You say you love Stefan or me but then you somehow end up in bed with someone else that isnt me or Stefan! Your nothing but a doppelganger bitch who is the biggest whore in town who probably slept with everyone by now! Hell I'm not surprise you and Katherine aren't best friends since your already twins and act alike!"

You could see the tears run down her face both were too deep into the fight that neither saw that Stefan, Klaus, Elijah, and Rebekah were all standing in the doorway. Stefan looking shock, Rebekah with a smirk on her face from seeing Elena cry, Elijah had a straight face but if you look closely you could see one emotion which was anger Elijah was more than angry he was furious, and for Klaus he had a mask on showing no emotions but secretly his eyes were fumming in flames.

Elena toughen up her face showing she had enough stomping up to Damon she swung her hand aiming for Damon's face but she gasp when her wrist was caught.

She thought it was Damon who caught her wrist but it was Elijah. He looked into her eyes seeing a mixture of anger, sadness, and fear but yet she still had her 'I'm strong' face on.

"I would watch who you mess with, now if you are done being childish because you did not get your way we would like to associate with the Salvatore's."

Elena looks up seeing the blank face that Elijah had on, she gives up on her stubbornness and looks down.

Elijah glance over at Damon letting her wrist go. He looks at klaus before going over sitting on the couch while Rebekah did the same passing Elena glaring at her she sat down next to Elijah on the right.

Yes out of all the room she sits next to Elijah because she feels safer around him he's her older brother not that she doesn't trust klaus she does and loves him but Elijah and her were closer than her and Klaus. She doesn't know why but they are so she sits or stands next to him, Elijah didn't seem to mind so she didn't stop. But then also because he would protect her same as Klaus but Elijah was smarter. Klaus maybe a hybrid and stronger but Elijah is older and smarter.

"Damon can I talk to you for a second?"

It wasn't a question but more like a demand, he sighs turning around and walks behind Stefan passing Klaus they both lock eyes until Damon fully passes by the room.

"Damon what the hell did you do!?"

"What do you mean?"

"With Elena why would you say something like that!"

"Oh so your taking her side instead of mine?!"

"No I'm not-"

"Well it sounds like it!"

"I'm sorry for cutting this short mate but we don't have all day."

Damon glares at Stefan right to Kaus.

"No y'all don't have all day because I'm not part of this."

Damon walks out of the dinning room bumping shoulders with Klaus on the way out. Damon was half way up the stairs until Stefan starts to yell.

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